Stanhope auctioning off his shitty suit collection and miscellaneous ephemera. Modeling shots included.

15  2016-12-10 by EncinoEscobar


Is the dassabesso suit for sale? I kind of want it.

should be a museum somewhere


It belongs in a museum!

Yeah it should be put in a museum or somthin

Dude has an incredible wardrobe. Probably bought half these things at Goodwill for under $10.

Now you too can stink of stale cigarette smoke and puke!

Jokes on you, I already do!

Now you too can look like you belong in a Talking Heads music video!

he has an interesting life

I want this to be my avatar for everything.

Unfortunately the Suicide is weeks off He has openly said on Stern that Bingo and him will kill themselves together when they are completely tired n bored of their surroundings.

It'd be cool if he did it live on Opie Radio.

hes the greatest dude alive, what a careless life to live.

Why is he selling them? Hard times?

I'm guessing the medical bills from Bingo's nearly month long hospital stay added up to a shitload of money.

Why wouldn't he just go on the road and do more gigs? His name power commands a pretty nice draw. There's no way selling sports coats on ebay for $100 a pop keeps up with several thousands of dollars a night for gigs.

I was joking.

Ha ha, good one!

seems like he does this every year

He said on the podcast that this was planned in the summer before Bingo smashed in her skull.

Lol i dont think those suits would even put a dent in those bills

He doesn't have to pay those bills

He does this every few years toget rid of the stupid shit he buys haha.

Bingos coke habit is a muthafucker.

He could have been a model.

How is Bingo these days?

Doug getting $70-80 per suit that he paid for $10-20 at thrift stores.