r/standupshots is deleting all O&A related submissions

3  2016-12-10 by golightlys_iphone



I'll think about enjoying my weekend once I'm done with these three day bender rotten gut hangover farts that keep coming out of me.

Lets start jocktobering other subs

It's against Reddit's rules.

We need to delete any links to other subs that aren't in NP mode, or that encourage brigading. We've already had threats from the admins to shut the sub down because of it.

Fucking no fun assholes.

Is it against the rules to go and purposely get banned by subreddits for your own entertainment?

Not at all.

You just can't post about it here and encourage others to follow you, and if you want to link something, make sure it's in NP mode and there shouldn't be an issue.

Grow some balls and tell those faggots to go fuck themselves... Jesus Christ!! 3 people posted some silly memes and made some chip references and you're talking about banning people and the sub getting shut down Get a fuckin grip you pussy!!!

There's like two fucking rules.

Don't post personal information, and don't brigade. Anything else they don't give a shit about.

Yeah it sucks, because Jocktober was one of the best thing about the show over the last decade, but it doesn't work here.

I still think you're a nervous nelly, and I don't like you making a joke out of threatening to ban me.. in fact, I think you're a bit of fuckin prat

It wasn't a threat. I didn't know who started the brigade when I wrote it.

1vixor is the lucky winner. If I'm wrong that it was him, let me know, but I didn't see anything older.

1vixor is the lucky winner Right there! That little power trip... youre a faggot

If I was power tripping, I would have banned everyone who posted there, and made a self-important sticky talking about the situation. If anything, I'm submitting to power, not wielding it. Doing my part to keep the subreddit up so faggots like you can cry about mods.

When everyone you meet is an asshole.. chances are you're the faggot

You calling me an asshole?

I don't wanna joke with you.. i don't like you and I really think your dickhead

We've already had threats from the admins to shut the sub down because of it.

Did they contact you regarding stand-up shots or was it for something else earlier?

Other shit.

This is only 20 hours old.

I don't wanna joke with you.. i don't like you and I really think your dickhead