Reminder. Opie lost the morning show and channel in the last few months

74  2016-12-10 by Dennyislife

This place should still be on a high from this.


What's better is how he's taking it up the ass. After the years of talking about his fuck you money and not re-signing, they moved his show into obscurity, gave his timeslot to his enemy and took his name off the channel, and he decided to bend over and take it.

That picture he took of his little office setup in the hallway was so pathetic and wonderful. He's openly disrespected and he's doing us the favor of reporting it.

He expected a massive wave of support in the comments saying shit like "this is what you get for 2 decades of dominance?"

Those guys are heroes. They feed his pathetic ego.

I've been looking for the picture for a while, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Know where I might find it?

My favorite is all those years, this un-self aware ass thought the guys around him were "holding him back," that he was this massive talent and if he could just get out there on his own & escape the shadow of Anthony and probably even Jim, he could really "take a show to a whole new level." He really thought he was that talented.

Well he did take it to a new level, but it certainly wasn't higher.

Gregg's the radio equivalent of somebody singing along to a song when all of a sudden the audio cuts out and his horrible singing is exposed to everyone.

God damn that is a great analogy.

It wasn't that good. No need to curse the Lord.

"What do YOU do for a living, character?"

I try to guess what next week's sermon will be and masturbate onto the passages in everyones' bibles so the pages will be stuck when they go to worship.

What happens when they get to "Deuteronomy."

Dave Chappelle jumps up from behind the pew and yells "Gotcha Bitch!"

He was Tommy Desimone. You couldnt even bust the opesters balls

Thank you for your servisse

Thank you for putting in that hyphen. I get confused sometimes but never say anything cause I don't want look idiot.

I don't want look idiot.

Oh literal chippus

That was the faaahkkin bit!!

Dropping hammers!

he totally wanted to be in afternoons for yeeaarrrs maaan

Dude I think about it every day. The world doesn't have a lot of justice. When you see it happen, you cherish it.

Watching this man have everything important snatched from him has filled me with so much joy.

There has been no karmic justice in Opie's life until he's divorced, shunned by the whole family, broke and spinning records in Rochester for $30k a year. And even that wouldn't touch being justice, maybe sprinkle in some ass cancer he can't afford to treat on top of it.

Opie's got 2 titties too. Don't know if you knew that but yes, he's a man ( see balding ) with a pair of lady breasts.


Not enough public crying for losing the channel doe.

ahnestly I didn't even WANT the fawking channel in the first place...that fawking guy STERN did his to me just because i sarcastically said "good morning" to him!

No he can't play it off that way.. on the phone to ant this week, he said he was in the bosses office threatening to quit if they changed the name... which made me smile knowing the bosses were like "ok, quit, were still changing the name"


Because he's delusional

Let us bask in his failure and future inability to provide for his family. As a reptile gains energy from the sun we shall empower ourselves at the thought of his starving children.

Have some fish erl for that hungry little belly, shuuure

2nd Reminder: Opie is raising Bam Margera's kids

Just wait till he losses his wife, his apartment, and "his" kids

Well, he's already losest any respect from his peers so that won't be far behind.

And he tries to act all cool about it by grinning on the subway and mouthing the news about the channel name waiting for someone to interpret. It does not matter how silly your method of announcing the news, it is still bad news and he knows it

I haven't been paying attention. What actually happened? Did he get fired ?

Breast cancer.

Don't forget he gained an office with a window.

I liked Vic's line (wait for it, please) about "I've caught him testing the temper of the glass" during the Anth call. First time that Tranny Hick made me loff.


but he gained that sweet "lone rolling chair at the end of the hallway" office (with a VIEW).

Opie lost his morning show faster than Todd. Todd may have had to take a co-host, but Opie already had one and still couldn't get it done.

In his defense, he did post a video of another man preventing him from using a halfway.

What is the channel now called?

Reminder: Jim saw Opie's dick at the gym, and they both agreed it was small.

I for one think opie a whisper video was very funny and will take his show to a whole new level. He has really reinvented himself and this afternoon show and not being called opie anymore is only going to help his brand

sniff He'll just go something else! He doesn't need that fahkin' place!

SXM basically told him "...go ahead. Quit. Go do a podcast with Anthony."

And I predict the return of O & A on Compound Media in October '17.

The audient will be thrilled.


These reminder posts are getting ridiculous. Everybody who should know already does.


Opie? Who is Opie? ; )

Reminder: your mother still wishes she aborted you.

I wonder if Bam will come get his kids after he gets out of rehab.

It's just a matter of time before he loses his show as well. I would LOVE to see the numbasss for his show, probably gets around 1,000 to 2,000 listeners while live.. even that is being generous

The past 4 days I've been driving in the afternoon/evening and all I get to hear is that dunderheads show. He got shafted to afternoons but it seems like he has better replay time slots than jim and sam.

Still working there, still a millionaire, and you fickle fruits will still buy the new o&a network while posting in his tribute subreddit.

Or you can listen to that new horrible morning show with bit players from the real show.

Hey Opie. Your kids? Not yours.

That was the faaahkkin bit!!

It wasn't that good. No need to curse the Lord.