Chappelle has been killing it for about a 1/4 of a century

25  2016-12-10 by iWhereSchortSchorts


what if he kept killing it all his life but right before he dies we find out he's a rapist

I'd like him even more than I already do.

Cosby always fucking sucked though. He was only loved because of his garbage show.

He started when he was like 15, and even from the word "go" people were calling him a genius and saying how talented he was. Dude is like the Shaq of comedy.

Man, I love Chappelle. Why don't we all make a thread of lines he said in his standup or show. I'll go first:


Now you go. :)

Darkness is

Nice place nigga

Baby, what you doing on the corner!

Oh shit, whattup bb.

oh, just a little boo-stalking. you?

I see that. This is the worst place ever, BTW.

For a moment I felt like I had followed you into some shady part of town where cool stuff does happen but you have to wade through some weird-ass goings on to maybe find it, maybe not. I didn't even know that Opie and Anthony was still a "thing." I would tell you the last thing I remember about them but then I would feel old.

OnA isn't a thing anymore, this place is for obsessed fans of the old show that take delight in crude, disgusting, offensive humor. We love the old show but hate everything else, it seems. This place nowadays is really just for nastiness and mean people. You should leave and never read my history again. It's for your own good.

I see... I'm sorry boo. I'll wait for you at home from now on.

You'd only hate me if you saw the shit I comment.

Nah, most of it makes like you even more. There is a difference between clever and mean. You are more the former well-played than the latter.

Oh shush, I'm blushin over here. :)

damn, did I miss your birthday, b?

You're embarrassing me in front of my friends!

Love is for queers. Now let me... ah, I'll wait somewhere else


We do this thing called joking here.

"I hate these crackaz that come to my show and yell shit from 10 years ago." [Sits down and smokes Newports on stage for the next half hour. Andy Kaufman jerks off in (((hell))).]

"And that was the first time I sucked a dick for crack"


"They should have never gave you niggas money!!"

I saw him once in the old arena where the Orlando Magic used to play. It wasn't that good. I blame it on the venue. Standup isn't made for a massive venue like that.

I upvoted you and Kevin Hart downvoted you.

Don't get me wrong I love Dave. Standup just sucks in these large venues like arenas.

The Chapelle Show was excellent

What else has he done?

His stand up is flawless. "Oh my God Mickey Mouse is a Mexican!"

Love is for queers. Now let me... ah, I'll wait somewhere else