Never Forget: Mike Finiola and Finney's Pub

9  2016-12-09 by TheScarletR


How unfunny does one have to be to get his show cancelled on Compound Media?

You think that's bad? How about not even being good enough to get a show on the compound. I'm looking at you Joke Hunt.

no shit. I just remembered that Joke Hunt was going to be a thing on TACS. What the fuck happened there? Besides Jackie being impossible to work with and a yutz.

I think Keith realized that was a Mike Finoia show before there was a Mike Finoia show.


Every time I see this slap head I get the doosh chills

His nice guy routine gives me the shits

Waddle like a duck! Waddle like a duck! Waddle like a duck! I am dying laughing here fam!

The Bonfire (Jay) had him in to make fun of a douche chill inducing interview he recently had in Rolling Stone.

Mike started to get a little sour towards the end.

why did someone feed a baby horse-steroids?

GUYS - this is important

Does anyone have the famed Burgers & Beer promo saved? It seems to have disappeared from the internet.

Ask Gavin or Mike from Red Bar

Where we talking beer burgers and babes

It wasn't just a bar, it was a home.

I just took a salad dump.