Bam Margera caller just got cut off

45  2016-12-09 by TheScarletR

Who dun it


Fuck doing these calls on Jim and Sam. Lie to the phone screener and do it in the afternoon.

Let's just phone in and say it to every show on Sirius.

Even the Ellen channel?

"Oh, and Jim Norton still wants his picture, dyke."

This needs to happen lol

A Bam roll on Bennington would be pretty funny

Opie only takes calls from his family members these days

no more snowayyyy?


H.G. Human garbage on the line, what'up bro?!

Gregg Hughes = Garbage Human

I agree it'd be better on Opie's show but doing it on Jim & Sam will eventually get Opie to mention it and bash them for allowing it, which is the ultimate goal here.

Also, it doesn't have to just be Bam related stuff. Just go off on whatever topic they're on for a second and end it with "and Gregg Hughes has big tits" or something.

There's no question that he's already heard about yesterday's call, considering how he went after the guy who posted the clip from Sams night show (/u/MalcolmX_InTheMiddle)

You're right about opie having heard of it. I know what harassment Malcolm was talking about now. I've been getting calls at both my places of work threatening my coworkers for having me employed. People I'm friends with on Facebook are sending me messages saying I'm a racist, a sexist because they're getting fake screenshots sent to them of my big fawkin peckah now some words. To make it seem like a legit story at a glance. Concluding sentences on my way home. I vowed to never leave my door unlocked again. I don't think opie appreciates these calls.

Every fuckin time!!!!


Good idea fella - while we're at it make sure everyone wins the lottery this weekend since odds are about the fucking same

Listen to the show for 10 minutes and lie to the screener!

Ten minutes?! Of Opie's show?! You're sending these brave, autistic men to their deaths!

As long as I don't have to make eye contact with The Grim Reaper.....

i seriously don't understand this. if you're going to call in and say this stuff about bam and opie's wife to piss off opie...why not do it on his show? he'll only hear about it third or fourth hand through the halls if its on jim and sams show.

Why would you mention the name and then ask "are you going to hang up on me now"? You're doing it wrong sir

Autists both make and ruin this place.

Weaponized autism.

I can't understand this sub. Call into Opie's fucking show with that shit! What, do you really think Jim and Sam are gonna discuss a skateboarder fucking Opie's wife?

When you put it that way, it really does seem like we're a bunch of silly geese.

Yeah, what a buzzkill

Stop making sense. And it's even better if you imagine it's the Seinfeld actor that played Russell Dalrymple who is throwing cold water on the Bam-roll hi-jinx.

Never seen an episode.. no idea who that is 😳

because they are dummies

Pretty sure the caller knew he was going to get cut-off as soon as the words "bam" were uttered, which is exactly what happened. Sam interrupted the dude as soon as he heard "Bam" and the caller started shouting over them "are you going to hang up on me now?"

I really enjoyed it - it was a funny Bam-Roll with the caller knowing full well his punchline was going to get trampled.

This is the most publicity Bam has gotten in a decade.

Have you seen him recently he's almost as fat as his father Phil.

I saw a commercial from that VH1 Rehab show he was on. Yes, he appears to be unable to skateboard now.

He has to use the flat bed part of a truck now to board, or sumtin'. I'm just riffin'

good. his movie that he made a few years ago called "Haggard" was actually a pretty funny movie, but he inserted shots of him skateboarding all throughout the movie for no reason at all.

Phil is my father, because my biological didn't bother. (He took me from a boy to a man)

There's no hiding that delicious, giant black tallywacker of his. Looks like he's got a rolling pin in those shorts, for Christ's sakes.

It was a sock.

Way to randomly reference Pete Rock (and/or CL Smooth). I haven't listened to that in a long time...

You clearly aren't an Earth Rocker.

That caller was unprepared for his interview

That wasn't being unprepared, sweetie, I knew I was going to get cut off.

Was that you? Did you panic?

I think he's plagiarising Jim nortons comment from yesterday

Oh dammit, these inside jokes are getting hard to keep up with.

I got something hard you can keep up.

ooo thanks! that sounds great. what is it?

Sorry for the plagiarism. Didnt know we had to write a bibliography for a call back.

Yeah guys you are calling the wrong show to bam roll

It's easier to stay on hold for 20 minutes when tits isn't jabbering with vic Henley.

Why would you go to the hackey joke of bam fucked Lynsi when you can just call into Opies show and call Hudson Hughes and Lennon Hughes complete and utter faggots.

I hate to be that guy who corrects people but Lynsi's children are named Hudson and Schuylkill.

Christ on a crutch how had not one of you austists not taken a page from the xm days.....assault on the media...but instead of o and a signs you have Bam fuc#% opies wife signs....

Two days in a row. Both times stunk.

Yesterday was a great one, sir.


Jim Norton has a fiery case of unfunny metro-lesbian AIDS.
