Are Jim and Sam pissed at opie?

4  2016-12-09 by drudrudrudru

Specifically now that opie has agreed to go on ants show and they are talking. Seems like Sam is probably making more money now but I think everyone 2 years ago wished that somehow the original show got back together.


Sam is happy just being on the air.

Jim is happy with a steady paycheck, and doing radio with someone who will not melt down for teasing.

It rally is as simple as this.


Tsss.... Like rally the fawkin' troops or sumpthin'.

They know, like we all do, Opie is now desperate and the only chance he has of a show in a years time is with ant

Jim was interested at one point, but not anymore. He doesnt know why Opie is talking to Ant, all of a sudden. I dont think theyre mad at Opie but they dont like him anymore, it seems.

What makes you say that?

I think the Bert's podcast had the best summary on the situation, when Jim and Sam were out at his house a few weeks ago.