Chip's gonna get some nudes 😉😉😉

9  2016-12-08 by TheScarletR


that's a BIG fawkin peckah!!

Its fawkin jewcy

Actual peckah, or just b-reel? Asking for a friend. Also, as a fellow Matt from NY, I'm worried one of my whore cousins might get Chip-rolled, and I'd hate to see them get their slutty little hearts broken

Let's see some pics of your whore cousins.


I find that very difficult to masturbate to.

He sounds like a real catch

Sluts don't have hearts, dummy.


It's actually hilarious to just fuck with chicks on Tinder or whatever... I've said the most asinine things to girls and still fucked them. It's kind of fun to be a douche to like 10 girls at the same time, the one with a sense of humor will probably fuck you.

you got a good boy phone and a naughty boy phone?