BREAKING: Caller from Edmonton just got through with a "Opies raising Bams kids"

235  2016-12-08 by TheScarletR

Which one 'a' you's did it

Congrats /u/Thomas_Daly, downvote brigade is in full effect right now judging by the comments

/u/braunheiser posted the call, give da boys some props

Thread with the audio -



Was it? Dont tug my peckah son

Yeah, my names Thomas. I'm from edmonton. Would someone post the full call. I was so nervous and felt like I was obviously a bogus caller.

downvote bots are in full force. some of these comments are -4 a minute after posting.

There really is a genuine silent Opie presence here that downvotes anti-Opieisms, it is hard to notice because they usually bounce back up because they are shitting on Opie. I'm pretty sure it's the philly crew.

Yeah, I have noticed that. There are opie fans and they're hidden amongst us. They should be rounded up, given tattoos to easily identify, and eventually when we've identified them all, ship them to madagascar.

No, no. The Madagascar plan won't work. We must configure another solution...

Another? Fuck it, just make sure it's the last one this time.


It's usually only a few downvotes, you notice it if he gets in quick or if your comment only got like 6 upvotes and then you notice a few hours later it's down to 1. I really think it is just people in his life.

Specifically, the Philly Crew who are on the payroll. They are family and extended family who have ingratiated themselves to Opie over the years and want to keep the money coming their way.


yeah there are tons of Opie supporters on here who are afraid to admit they love opie radio and listen everyday. it's because the opie haters try to bully us. i get downvoted all the time just for being an opie radio fan.

That's unfortunate, pal. We just like to josh I hope you don't feel unwelcome. Who's your favourite guest? Mine's Judy.

Welcome, friend. That doesn't sound like the O&A subreddit I know, we welcome all those who bring positivity.

Please explain in detail what you enjoy about Opie Radio. Give examples.

I just upvoted you for your honesty, and your passion even if your faith is completely misguided. But god damn, do I respect you.


It's not Friday yet.


thanks for the kind words. hopefully someday #OpieArmy and #JimAndSamArmy can coexist on this subreddit.

You're a dumb cunt.

I also was dumb enough to use my real name on my old account. Enjoy getting cryptic and threatening messages on all your social media accounts....

Also, fuck you Gregg.

I'd love for it to happen. I live in canada and make holcaust denying jokes I could be thrown in prison.


Yeah. They'd give me an exorbitant fine probably like $50 000. I wouldn't be able to pay and would go to prison. I'd probably get to fuck Lauren Southern from though.


You're out Tom.

How can I be out? I just hit a homerun.


You know reddit has some vote obfuscation bullshit sytem where it randomly puts up and downvotes on posts for some nerdy reason i can't remember now because i am 6 beers deep but it made a lot of sense when i read it.

Yeah, I know about vote fuzzing, but I browse new a lot and it's not like this ever.

They think youre more likely to upvote a post that already has a bunch of upvotes, likewise with downvotes. They also wont show votes on a post until its been up for an hour or something. Its retarded.

Where we at with the road sodas in the morning?

Where are we at with timezones?

Braunheiser can or I'll timestamp it when it gets up on youtube. You were good, dude. I was legit shocked when I heard it cause I was sitting on hold.

Woah woah mister I'm from Edmonton too

Let's get drunk

I was really into your story.. what else did you and scorch talk about?

I was getting pretty drunk, and when I drink I like to talk about childhood experiences. I asked him what would be the most significant, formative event in his high school years. He told me about the girl he had lost his virginity to. I got him drinking too because no one else was there, so he wasn't worried of losing his job. He confessed to me his alcoholism was a result of his break up with his high school girlfriend. He said "When I was with Claire all the destructive, ugly thoughts were replaced with the sweetest voice that would met your heart and my fawkin peckah its a fake fucking story dude are you serious or retarded here's some extra words you its not obvious something. He drove home. I haven't heard from him since, and he hasn't posted to facebook.

Then what happened?

Then he mentioned a specific class he had in his senior year. "Language Arts class I had a teacher that nearly every guy in class had a crush on. One day near the end of the year we had a creative writing assignment. We were to write a story about our ideal summer. Most in the class wrote about getting their first job, meeting a girl, or going a vacation. I wrote about me standing up to my mother's friend Lamar who had been abusing her. Every week I'd come home from school and my mother would rush to meet me; her clothes poorly put on with shirts backward, buttons not done up properly, pants unzipped, her hair in a mess, and bruises on her neck. I'd ask her what happened and she'd tell me "Chippah don't be a nosy nathan and do your homework. Lamar and me were just wrestling is all." I knew they weren't just wrestling because Lamar would never have any bruises on him. In my story I threw hot engine oil on Lamar's chest and kicked him out my house so my mudda and me could enjoy our summer together. I was the last to hand in my story, so the teacher was reading it when the bell rang. She told me to stay while everyone was leaving. She said to me "Chippah you got a big fawkin peckah" then she sat on it with her asshole thats how bad she wanted it. I made her cum so bad she said chippah keep ur money come back later and i said naww i gotta go" alright hes more words i swear to god dont say then what happened im not going to stop doing the bit in the hope someone reads this shit how about your self he asked me. I said it depends how much blow I've done that morning. It was getting out of hand, no pun intended.

I'm sorry I asked


So glad I scrolled down and knew I would've been had as soon as I saw "Lamar".

Excellent job Mr. Daly

Thank you, sir. I do it for you.

We Speak Your Name

That's my yegger

Vurry good....

The callers and the show are teeing off on Opie today. Tom's call, another caller that asked if Jim is ecstatic that he can do voices now (he said Opie never had a problem with the voices other than Uncle Paul, so he's happy to do Uncle Paul again.)

Jim's new Craig Schenkle "Old school rap trivia" made Matt Iseman mention Opie's "Ice Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuubbbbbeeee" blunder to which "Craig" responded "Some people are really stupid when it comes to rappers.", and the entire studio started giggling.

When discussing the Scott and Todd split, Jim mentioned how Scott is doing great, but "when the more interesting of the two gets cut, the other flounders." He then did a Todd voiced character alled "Scheckler McFloppytits".

Even Iseman joked about how Mike Francesca's empty threats to leave WFAN after this contract and said, "What is he going to move to 3 in the afternoon?"

This Matt Iseman is a good egg.

Jim's new Craig Schenkle "Old school rap trivia"

So is he based on Joe Derosa?

"This Matt Iseman is a good egg." That's right, because he liked my Chip Dog video! :D

Oh we don't go for that sort of thing round here

Lol that was smooth. Good end to that story caller

Edmonton, Alberta?

If so, I've never been proud to say I was an Edmontonian until today.

Yes, sir. let's meet up and you can blow me.

Cool, meet me in Castle Downs.

Is that Bonnie's sisters treehouse?

Ok god that was a good one


Castle Downs? are you a somalian? nevermind

unless you skate lets go to the skatepark in castle downs and do blow

Castle Downs whats that a retarded castle or sumpthin

I'm at the Smitty's on 137 and 97, come by I'll show you my peckah

We need a wall to keep you fags out. Buy beer in your own damn country you pussies.

beer is for queers.

If so then your country is a faggot factory.

Good one. You guys deserve Connor McDavid.

Him and I look alike. If anyone here saw a picture of us side by side they'd say I look like his aids ridden twin.

I'm not listening, what was the reaction?

They were both kind of like "ohh c'mon" it was funny

Now why would scorch say that?

That could have easily been dumped. Jim and Sam loved it.

so you're telling me Scorch isn't really a bartender in LA? I was halfway through planning a PFG trip to the coast for some bar time with a radio legend when you dropped that bamshell.

That story was the best part of the show so far.. I wanted to hear more about scorch

he actually is bartending in LA. hashtag gottapaythebills I've never left Alberta though.

Don't forget he's also a PFG late night legend.

Link pls

Just sort the sub by "hot", it's probably at the top right now


I'll catch it on the replay. I'm sure it won't be edited out...

Hopefully not. They could have dumped it and chose not to.

I'm talking about tits crying to management and getting it edited you down voting nancys.

I didn't downvote you sir, I'm not sure who wouldn't know what you meant by that.

Is anyone here straight?

Why? You don't like getting your dick sucked by someone that doesn't want to cuddle afterwards?

Why? Are you tying to figure out who to block?

ur a fag

So two opie slams on the show today? This is going great. Keep up the pace boyz. I'll try too

I must be delayed a few mins but that was pretty funny.

This would be more impact full on Opies show.

Opie BTFO!!!

The call is on the Scorch thread (2 down)





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Oh, I thought it was on the Opie Radio Show, where it would have mattered.

What the fuck am I missing, anyway?

Opies a lot more selective about his callers, he has his go-to's. He'll likely dump it when one of us gets through.

This thread makes me hope trump builds a Canadian wall


That's GOLD Jerry!


Mah nigga!

Radio gold

How is this funny?

Stick to what you know is true...Opie is a millionaire, and you are tugging on a tiny prick while posting in a subreddit dedicated to his show...that you hate, that ended years ago.

Dis shits funny bruh๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Nice try with the hate tho๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•


How do you know it's NOT true. And how do you happen to know the OP's sexual-habits and penis-size?

Hey bitchboi, at least OP isn't "fighting for my faaaaaaawkin life". Keep defending your hero, lil faggot.

It must be frustrating to know there is nothing you can do or say to stop any of this. Nice try with the hate tho

beer is for queers.

That story was the best part of the show so far.. I wanted to hear more about scorch

he actually is bartending in LA. hashtag gottapaythebills I've never left Alberta though.

Don't forget he's also a PFG late night legend.