You guys need someone to hate.

1  2016-12-08 by yismeicha



I've been told that i'm pathetic by family members, friends, love interests, bosses and co-workers - but, coming from you sweetie it's a game changer!


Our hate for Opie is a well that will never run dry.

This just in: A Community of people who enjoy a radio show based on mean-spirited humor are not nice people.

Thanks, Cronkite. You really blew the whole thing wide open.

Certainly is breaking news. Meh, atleast most of us admit we're idiotic losers. I love you all of you faggots

Yeah, he also blew a room full of fellas!

Nice one Vos.

Your phone crapped out dude.

Thanks for stepping up, dickweed

We'll always have Amy Schumer.

And she's a target that keeps getting bigger everyday.

Yeah this place needs a hate figure and now nobody listens to Opie or Anthony's shows here

Easy on the P word fella, we got feelings and shit

Yeah, and?

This is 2016 we are in a media industry void of all Talent and overly politicized... Trust me we'll be fine.

Jim is still my favorite person, In my opinion he was once the funniest man on earth, I feel like his biggest dick rider...however, he's barley funny anymore. Idc about opie, I never expected him to be funny, but jim is a completely different person than he was.

I think he's different because he's not angry anymore.

Yea for the most part. But even when he wasnt angry, like when him and ant would go back and forth making fun of retarded people, or how they made fun of the newfie, 2016 jimmy is not that guy anymore. Everything I liked about him is pretty much I just hope for more chippah


Nice one Vos.