Quigley (2003) - Gary Busey stars as a man who is reincarnated as a Pomeranian. Talk about laughs!

13  2016-12-08 by crookedmile


Fucking dog has fucking papers. OVER THE LIIINNEE

Interview from the DVD (which I own): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_BzHVq5qg4

Notice the editing cuts that imply he talked for hours about being a dog in a no-budget kids movie.

So he is crazy then...

He broke into an irish accent at 2:30 for no reason at all

I'm glad somebody posted this. I meant to but then I found out about Hider in the House.

Holy shit that is pretty horrible, but I might watch for the Curtis Armstrong parts.

This looks even worse than "A TALKING CAT?!?" which I just noticed is now on Amazon Prime... I KNOW WHAT IM WATCHING TONIGHT /killsmyself

And that was only the second worst movie where Gary Busey plays a dude who dies and gets reincarnated into something not quite human. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLFVY41RmtA&ab_channel=GingerdeadMan

So that's why he insisted on playing the family dog for the project he managed on The Apprentice.

Busey 4 life