Cumtown is shit

38  2016-12-07 by Ant_Sucks

  • They talk like millennials
  • They have a Sam Roberts and holy fuck, is he annoying. He laughs all the time at nothing in that nasally Sam Roberts voice
  • I don't care about prostitute\tranny stories. They're only a notch above...
  • Drug stories, which themselves are a notch above...
  • Video game stories.
  • Their stories suck, and they tell a lot of them.

I rate Cumtown - Shit/10.


This sub's taste in podcasts is the fucking worst. Remember when Legion of Skanks started out and there were multiple threads a day hyping it saying "it's the next O&A" and similar bullshit?

It's because this place is full of lonely people who enjoy these podcasts as friend simulators and that allows them to overlook how utterly shitty the content is.

Wow, that one really hit close to home.

LOS was a great pod cast.

It didn't grow because everyone had other interests, Big Jay had bonefire and LJG instilled his own direction which tends to be Louis J. Mediocre.

The beginning of the decline for LOS was going under the Cumia umbrella. It halted all growth and they never rebuilt from there. GAS Digital was the final shot. now LOS will bleed out a slow death for the next couple of years and eventually end when Big Jay gets a sitcom deal, Dave gets a permanent panel spot on a fox show and Louis has to become a janitor at a NYC public school.

Real Ass Maintenance Man

He will sell dime bags to 9th graders

We had a custodian who drove an IRoc-Z and was always a little too friendly with the cool kids. I could see it.


See what, his peckah?

He will get robbed trying to sell dime bags to 9th graders

The Puerto Rican Urinal Cake

I don't think that Luis's resume is extensive enough to be a janitor at a public school, it's basically a union gig. And he's Puerto Rican so he's caught at least one assault charge amongst a litany of arrests. /u/PRrattlesnake comment? /u/ThePRRattlesnake ?

And he's Puerto Rican so he's caught at least one assault charge amongst a litany of arrests

This is why I love this sub

Are racists not authorized to employ compelling diction? That's racist!

I am sure there is some public toilet he can warsh


He better bring a tip cup.

Meh I never thought it was good

I asked the sub a while back for funny LOS clips. Literally none of what I was sent was funny. Just guys trying to be macho Bros. There was nothing sharp or original about it at all. I'll try again if you have any clips to send.

The thing is all the older, good episodes are under their shitty GAS digital pay sub so I can't even go on there and look at which early ones were good to send u .

They caped off their audience base by doing this. it's too bad. they had a lot of potential.

The one after the Pulse nightclub attack was pretty funny.

I still can't figure out why you fucks prop up Big Jay like he's the next Steve Dunham.

Who the fuck is Steve Dunham?

Puppet guy probably.

Go on...

Rude. So what if I listen to four cumtown episodes in a row when I'm alone and coming off a drug binge? Keeps me from offing myself.

Watch teletubbies.

I remember when everyone was like "I love Live From The 405 podcast, free on iTunes and Stitcher." I listened to it and it was garbage. (But seriously, it's free on iTunes and Stitcher.)

whoa, a free podcast I never heard of?!

Right?? Happy Wednesday! (Leave them a review! Unless it's a bad one!)

This sub's taste in podcasts is the fucking worst. Remember when Legion of Skanks started out and there were multiple threads a day hyping it saying "it's the next O&A" and similar bullshit? It's because this place is full of lonely people who enjoy these podcasts as friend simulators and that allows them to overlook how utterly shitty the content is.

And then you ask a faggot like this what he listens to and he says Maron and NPR.

You play World of Warcraft in 2016 and we're lonely? Fucking topkek

Shut the fuck up and go listen to painfully unfunny stories about unemployed losers you will never meet and their binge drinking.


I'm sure you're some sort of social butterfly.

I listen to NPR what's wrong with that? Also wtf does topkek mean?



You know what else is new: TACS

Dont try and have a conversation with me you cocksuck. Cum or die.

Cum or die.

Nice catchphrase faggots.

I just made it up so thanks daddy.

I bet the word "cuck" is in 75% of your posting history.

Stavros laugh is annoying as shit but its a funny podcast


lets not go that far

Lol what'd he say?

That Stavros is Cum Town's Opie.

Oh haha yeah not quite

It's my favorite podcast... because it's funny.

There's no winning with you people. What the fuck do you enjoy? Jesus christ

Judging by this post and every single one like it, outing themselves as miserable unfunny faggots who don't understand the best thing currently going in this comedy sphere and then acting like a furious senile jew trying to return cabbage soup at a deli to get his pennies back

Jesus fucking sucks, too.

I revel in not enjoying things.

Just go with it.

Cumtown is another example of a mediocre comedy podcast in a sea of mediocre comedy podcasts. The thing with mediocre comedy podcasts is there just ok, all it's going to take is a little something you don't like to make it hateable .

modern-day radio and podcasting in general is like eating at a shit buffet. it doesn't matter what you pick you're still eating shit.

I agree. It's just decent free content u can have on in the car or in your home or whatever. it's def better than FM radio hack shit but these mediocre podcasts should operate with some ads to stay afloat, they do not warrant a monthly sub.

I'm not gonna spend 7 bucks a month for something called "cum town" What am I? some sort of faggot (Yes)

OOoooooo look at Mr. Enlightened taking dicks in the bum

Faggot says what?

Good one, bobo.

modern-day radio and podcasting in general is like eating at a shit buffet. it doesn't matter what you pick you're still eating shit.

A+ metaphor.

No it's not but his point still stands.

Yer just an over the hill old fag.

There's nothing modern about Cumtown. Drug and hooker stories are hack. Their stories are nothing more than Tucker Max style stories told with an irritating uptalk inflection and vocal fry.

They only did one episode with a significant number of drug and hooker stories.

And the tranny Booker story was actually funny unlike any of Jimmy's.

I'm going back through their episodes, I'm half way through, and I love that they don't talk about fucking or any of that in an annoying way. Nothing they say ever sounds like bragging. They are all self deprecating poor dweebs. I haven't gotten to the first episodes, so maybe then they were trying to tell stories to get the podcast going, but everything I have heard is the exact opposite. They're all nerds who still work day jobs.

Tell us more on this important topic.

Drug and hooker stories are hack.

Are they hack when that is 99% of stanhope material

Yes. You got high and then did some stupid shit. We get it. That's every drug story.

Listening to 2 socially isolated losers have the same discussion daily about external hard drives, why iCloud sucks, and trannys is fresh and modern, right teft? What's the teft box think?

Eventually Cum Talk and all these other O&A successors are going to have to duke it out to see who has the claim to "Most Mediocre Podcast" title.

Nick Mullen is great. Stav is dead weight


a LOT of dead weight, yo. that cat is swole af. lookin like Ronnie B in training.

Go back to blackpeopletwitter you white millennial mongoloid. "Dat face when bae catches u out at the club and den I was all like bae I was jus out lookin 4u. what r u doin hurr?" Just as you finish typing that your mom yells "Clarence, wash up, it's time for supper."

Hahaha! Sounds like someone's in trouble with bae! That's a good one.

buahahah you know burnsproblem looks like Paul from the wonder years (yo!)

He's mimicking Stavros, but you autists will downvote this

This was already discussed below, autists downvoted it because retard didn't use quotation marks. If you're gonna do that it better be a recognizable quote from say a CQ or a Patrice not imitating the third mic of an obscure podcast.

Only if you go back to painal you little tittied slut. "Oooh oooh owe OWE! OWE MY BUTT!" Just as you finish getting filmed being buttfucked your dad yells "Terry, wash up, it's time for dessert [unzip]."

Why would you try insulting me as if I were a girl, do you know where the fuck you are? And even if I was a girl that was embarrassingly low rent. Absolute child's play, obligatory kill yourself faggot.

"Oooh oooh owe OWE! OWE MY BUTT!"

You don't think this was very good?

I wouldn't call it particularly creative or funny.

Fawkin buried this peesah shit go to break reddit

You don't think it's cool or funny when young white people try to talk like black guys?

I know what I should say here but I will answer this question more directly. No, because the "joke" is only "okay" because it's under the illusion black people are saying it to be cheeky when in reality millions of uneducated black people talk like morons and it's "racist" if I make fun of them for that. Luhdatchikkkenfrumpopeyes!!

Obviously you don't listen to Mullen's podcast because if you did, you would know that Stavros talks like that all the fucking time, which is what I was making fun of -- you stupid fucks.

Obviously we don't faggot. "If only there was some magical way or symbol that one could use to indicate they were quoting somebody it would have completely circumvented this entire guffaw." Retard

Do you even realize that Stavros is morbidly obese? And in his 20s? And puts naked pictures of himself on Instagram? And talks a lot about having sex? And laughs like a fucking piece of shit? Or anything else that might be relevant in a fucking thread started to critique Cum Town?

Have we not already established that I do not listen to this show? I don't apologize if I hurt your feelings and I hope I did, wigger.

Dude whatever. Just had a thought though -- there are probably actual wiggers out there who had kids, and some of those kids probably became wiggers, and so on -- so there are probably multi-generational wigger families out there ... like it could be a distinct culture. They could get their own country one day like Israel ... but there would need to be a wigger holocaust first I guess. Peace.

You forgot to drop the mic.

I'm embarrassed for you, dude. Why would you be this much of a faggot? Horrible douche chills.


Sam Roberts has the head of a Sesame Street puppet and the voice of Chyna.

Chyna had a much more masculine voice than Sammy boy ever will.

Not to mention a bigger, better dick.

10/10 would suck off Chyna For Realz © BaldOpie

Personally I prefer a torpid sloth shutting down any riffing made by a worm and a closeted tranny lover gun nut retard

Are you like 55?

Schwiggity schwaggity shfifty five.

Holy shit, fucking early internet reference.

Good girl yais, bad girl no.

pay for your gas or lose your ID

Well his first argument was pretty much "they talk like theyre from this generation wtf!"

It's a good free pod cast. certainly not good enough to pay for.

Louis J Gomez is a true mediocre mogul. he is gonna scoop up all the lukewarm podcasts people would have listen to for free and out them behind a paywall where no one will listen.

Wait... people actually PAY for podcasts?! Why.. and which ones are even remotely worth it.


I find it bemusing that companies decide to advertise on every podcast usually on the same 'network' at once. Mangrate and Flygrip years ago. SquareSpace, Audible, Carnivore Club now.. As if there isn't a massive crossover of listenerships within a category or a network. Smart ad sales, piss poor ad buys.

Cumtown is worth $5 per month

If you don't find Nick Mullen funny on the podcast but almost drive your truck off the road laughing when Jim or Sam play "where'd the cheese go" in the middle of an unrelated discussion you should really just die.

The other 2 on cumtown are pretty unfunny though, and they seem to be competing for who can laugh the worst and they're neck and neck.

Meh, you knew the sub was going to think it was cool to hate it eventually.

How about I don't find any of them funny?

Just listen to the nopie playlist on a loop forever I guess

*David and Bobo Show


Nick's the only funny one. But even he gets annoying when he has to explain everything through the lens of autism.

Stav is dumb, and the other guy is a generic hipster fag.

I just like listening to it on the way to work, it's not the highlight of my day, hating LOS is.

No ones forcing you to like it i think most people here do though as its the best on to listen to, name ome funnier podcast. They dont sit and talk about the art of comedy they just joke around. They know the jokes come first

Black Sabbath is the only band that matters.


whats cumtown


Nick Mullen makes me laugh.

Stavros is insufferable. Has never made me laugh once. Its actually a pretty impressive feat for how many podcasts I've heard him on.

I laughed pretty fucking hard when he was pontificating why when girls get fat they get bigger tits but when dudes get fat they don't get bigger dicks.

He did good stand up on the bonus episode Funny Moms #2, just isn't funny off the cuff.

but it's got such an edgy name!

They talk like millenials

You know how I know you're retarded?

Everything you said applies to opie and Anthony except replace millennials with bad ass gen x slackers

I don't care for that podcast, but honestly no one cares about your horse shit opinion.

They have only been doing the Cumtown podcast for about 6 months, and are 2 unknown comedians. The podcast is only known by word of mouth. Yet, their Patreon page has more than 1,200 people subscribing and giving them over 5,700 dollars per month. That shows how good their show is.

Pretty good, on a unrelated note Redlettermedia is getting 14k per month


Breaking News: The dead inside heroin addicts of the O&A subreddit don't like something again.

20 seconds in and I hear the laugh, haha

As a 26 year old I like that I have a guy who makes cellar crowd worthy riffs for my generation.

I didn't want to hurt Ian's feelings, but yes cum town and Nick Mullin are shit.


The other 2 guys arent funny but they sett nick up good and thats all that matters!

If you don't like prostitute or drug stories then you must hate stanhope. Which means your opinion is invalid

So far, Mullen's Jack Lemmon impression is the only funny thing I've heard out of that podcast. Stavros is annoying and laughs at everything and that other guy has a smug lazy faggot voice.

go listen to joe rogan and inject some onet bro.

You're supposed to cum in shittown

video games are cool nigga don't drag them into this.



I haven't listened. I assume it's shit and don't have the patience to get used to the hosts.

I enjoy their video game stories since all I do with my life is play video games.

Also tried to swallow cum town, but I too gagged it into a napkin.


and yet people here listen and praise shit like JAM, will jim ever not have problems with computers or iphones?

i cant wait to tune in tomorrow to see he slept enough...probably not.

he hasnt had a good night sleep since he started doing ona

Here's the comedic-in-nature podcasts that are currently in my feed:

Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank, Artie Lange best of, Bert Kreischer's Bertcast, Cumtown, Dirty Sports, Doug Loves Movies, Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast, I Am Rappaport, Joe Rogan Experience, Jim Florentine's Comedy Metal Midgets, Legion of Skanks, Mohr Stories, Monday Morning Podcast, Nick Di Paolo, Punch Drunk Sports, Race Wars, Real Ass Podcast, You Know What Dude, Shame On, That's Deep Bro, Tigerbelly, Tim Dillon is Going to Hell, Tuesdays with Stories, Your Mom's House

Cumtown, though early in its run, easily rivals any in terms of making me laugh or chuckle. Just a trio of guys with good chemistry telling off-color jokes nonstop. Also, the name.

Hey Jim did you figure out how to do your stupid app thing?

Thanks we've been waiting for you to decide what the fuck-shut your mouth. Who cares what you like.Go back to sleep

Try the rainbow hut on 44 street instead they have great drinks

Cumtown is the best podcast, nick is funnier than jimmy and Patrice combined. What do you think is funny? Jocktober?

........ You get the hell out of here Jim and Patrice?

Jim and Patrice stink.

mullen is funnier than o and a ever was. and stravos is loveable. not sure what you heard but it wasnt the same first 7/8 episodes i did because youre wrong and i d even k what youre talkig about with all the "notch above" story nonsense

i d even k

that was a stylistic choice, fat nigger, and i stand by it

Why would you try insulting me as if I were a girl, do you know where the fuck you are? And even if I was a girl that was embarrassingly low rent. Absolute child's play, obligatory kill yourself faggot.

Puppet guy probably.

I'm embarrassed for you, dude. Why would you be this much of a faggot? Horrible douche chills.