Jimmy still single

1  2016-12-07 by unclepaul84

Isn't it weird a man with his fame and wealth can't find anyone who is attracted to him? He is about to turn 50 years old. Jim likes to spin it and use it as self depreciating humor. But there is nothing really funny about it. It's actually really weird that nobody wants to be with him. He should be nothing but sad and ashamed of himself.


It's not that. It's that he has ZERO confidence. Women like confidence.

If you listen closely, Jim is the one who convinces them that they don't want to date him. He gives off zero vibes and waits for the chick to do all the work. He "reads" them and gives up immediately.

I used to be the same way. Then you see hot women with fat, ugly monsters and you realize that they can be convinced of anything and they don't care as much about looks...they just want you to be a man about it, not a new BFF.

Confidence is huge, thats the maim thing they give an fuck aboutn

no need to shame the lil guy

His mouth is already full.


Actually, I think it's weird how little people talk about how he certainly has Herpes. There's a good chance he has AIDS, and that would explain the weight loss without any muscle increase. Mainly though, Norton is probably a despicable asshole who spreads disease to any girl foolish enough to let him. He shouldn't get married either, because the girl would be after his money, unless she is also really weird.


what encapsulated his lack of good use of his minor fame was the show after the Maria Manounaos party in LA.

Celeb Jim Norton invited (via Sam's connections).. turned up in the same jacket he wears to the studio in NY at 8am... messages a girl to meet him there... she doesn't turn up.

The fact he was at a party with boarderline famous people should have at least been enough to get some twat to show up for 30 minutes before she ditched him.

He is what previous generations would have referred to as a confirmed batchelor.

This made me spit out my coffee

Ya workin hard or hardly workin? Haha just joshin, enjoy this fine wednesday buddy 😉

I agree it's weird. I don't understand why a 20 yr old wouldn't date a guy whose only reference after 1984 is Forrest Gump.

You leave my little theif Jimmy alone.I'm warning you buster.Nothing wrong with getting sober at 12,living with your parents till you're 30.This'is a man child who was amazed by Anthony, for cooking a chicken in a bag..He's a special fella.

Ant and Jim are both man-childs or man-children or men-children, you know what I mean this sub is about them for god sake.

At least Ant gave it a whirl. The only relationships Jim has been in are with girls trying to break into the comedy scene. He's like a hazing they all must endure to obtain a connection with real comedians.

I wonder how that ended up for Ant?

Cost him about $5million. Buy hey, according to the bar rats his mother hung out with, it made him a man!


Liberace had Scott Thorson....

He also said he hopes that his "hired company" will one day fall in love with him for real....either he is arrested developmentally or is just delusional. He had a girl back in 2011, but his perversion and porn and dick pics or whatever were too much for her and he fucked it up...

so are you

Happily married fine sir

For now maybe. Let us revisit this in a few years.