Happy Birthday Patrice

101  2016-12-07 by ixnayontheiggernay


I have watched over 40 hours of Patrice videos on youtube, really an amazing human being, name one person that's like him out there.

Sherrod Small

Wait, Sherrod's black?

no, he was just very insightful like Patrice. He could break things down to white people in ways they haven't thought of before.

Let me give an example: Dassabesso, JusChill'n fuckin.

"Das sum white shit doee" - Sherrod Small


Patton's wife.

Greg Giraldo.



Wow, over 40 hours of youtube research?? When does your PhD in Faggotry arrive?


John, Bobby and much later, Ted Kennedy


I miss this guy. Fuck.

Also whats up with this satirical hate on everything in this sub? Either its this or another thread calling him a nigger.

It's not satirical, Anthony attracts white trash and retarded truckers, don't know if you noticed over the last several years of radio.


Where is the automoderator bot?

It's busy cumming rusty nuts and bolts into your whore mother.

I think people are just ready to take off the "death goggles". Patrice was great but he wasnt fucking god-like. He wasnt the best comic in the cellar group and he most likely wouldve sabotaged whatever opportunities he got if he hadnt had a stroke.

He seems to be the only one that gets that worship around here, I assume because he's dead.

I get "death goggles" remarks, but people knew his talent while he was alive, too. It's not like he was some underground Picasso artist.

Im not saying he wasnt great. Hes just not some untouchable anomaly, like some people seem to think. He did sometimes talk over people during arguments which was annoying.

Literally any criticism of Patrice or Ron Bennigton gets downvoted here. Both have/had annoying flaws

Will watch "Elephant in the Room" tonight and keep "It's Raining Stuff" on a loop for the rest of the day.

I'd also suggest going to sleep with the Patrice playlist on shuffle : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQQRJO4iSxg5naeLofkq_ZCjEO4ZBBk3o

Hot damn, that's a good idea. I will gladly suck your peckah in gratitude.

Why are you laughing!

She's outraged

Miss this coon a lot. Now you got Hannibal "the drunk negro" Buress

Don't forget about dabesso!


got a nigguhs riiiii





Happy birthday you fat fuck in the sky!

Does anybody have that clip of patrice talking about his brother on opie and anthony?


I don't think Patrice had a brother... I'm pretty sure I've listened to all of his O&A appearances. He did have a sister, I only ever heard Jim mention her.

He had a half brother from his father who he ignored and vice versa.

He's 15


he wouldnt be the same age on his birthday

He didnt die last year you filthy jig

then he wasnt 14 either

Why do people keep saying "Openy" instead of "Opie"?

"Who are these people? Who?!" I love this whole segment on tv. Patrice just tells her how fake she is and she doesn't even deny it.

I like when she called it the Anthony Openy show

Anthony openy anthony closey

what are responses to sue tapping ant on the shoulder in the morning?



I heard he died.

I think Patrice is prob the best thing/person to be associated with O&A. No person will ever come close to him.

Underground there's a creepy insect eating part of his cold dead rotten meaty ugly face as you read this.

Commemorating a black man's death, I could live with - his birthday too much.

Cool it with that type of talk fella! You're too edgy for this subreddit. I for one will consider unsubscribing.

I spelled celebrating wrong

Your shoe soles must be made of titanium because that edge you're standing on is sharper than a razor blade!

Good one