J&S guests stink

9  2016-12-07 by [deleted]


Sir, I respect your shitty unasked for opinion but you need to leave this cute, valueless way to kill two and half hours while i play grim dawn the fuck alone.


Listen its better thsn opie , come on

and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is better than Acute Myeloid Leukemia, but they both are pretty shitty.


they are finally turning on the shit show tho, Jam is worse than OnJ

Jim and Sam are unlistenable.

It's Sam. He has an awful radio voice and an awful personality. He was great as the trouble making, shit stirring intern, but as a radio host let alone a talk show host, he's dreadful.

I normally disagree with your posts but yes you are correct.

Anti-Sam posts get down-voted into oblivion

Sam - comment?

Sam's the flavor of the month only because he edged out the Opester. Soon this sub will turn on him.

I'm way ahead of the curve on that one. Sam is and has always been shit.

sam was the original hate focal point

The worm will turn his way again.

(No Jimmy pun intended).

Everything about him is infuriating. He can't even reply with a simple "Yes" or "Yeah", he has to say "Yaawwww" like a complete faggot.

Sam is awful..I cant listen either.

....and so do the hosts

You have to admit they have a good propensity for turning what would be a boring, shitty guest into something pretty goddamn funny. Nancy Grace, Rick Astley. Like who would have given a shit about a straight Rick Astley interview? They really gave him a hard time, it was awesome. The Jeffrey Dean Morgan interview would have been whatever, but they threw a mental patient in there and it was hilarious.

I just wish they'd stop having awful comics like Tom Papa and Dan 'Try Hard' Soder in. I want them to have only the comics I like, god damn it. ('Unreasonable Fan Guy')


What fucking band did they have in? I listened briefly to the encore show

It feels like they just take ANYONE who is available and someone might have heard of.


I don't mind having the show on in the background when I'm alone, but if anyone is around and hears me listening to it they think I enjoy listening to a hillbilly faggot show.


Why does everyone respect Sam's professionalism? It's entertainment not a job in HR

I just watched the latest video they posted, it's over an hour long, and Jim spends half of it trying to figure out how to do something with videos he records on his phone. That's actually downplaying how disgusting Jim was. Sam is actually trying to do a radio show, he finally got his big break, and Jim takes off Fridays if he wants to do some stand up. Jim will walk in with no sleep, can't really pull his weight, complains about being tired the whole show. Sam is actually excited about the show and trying.

The show stinks. Period. And let's not go comparing it to O&J, that's like comparing a fibrous shit to a runny one.

OnJ and TACs is the same level of garbage, TEFFJAM is 1 level below