Has the audio of Kevin Smith calling out Opie ever surfaced or did he just bury that as quick as possible?

47  2016-12-07 by dumbshowreference

I've heard audio from that day but not the moment he called Opie out for being a lying cunt. Ironically comparing Opie to his "nemesis" Howard. Would love to hear this.


This isn't that day, BUT .. Oct 14 2011 was when Kevin came in studio and didn't talk about himself at all. Later was found out because someone said it was cuz someone said he talked about himself so much.

Opie then stammered and 'I never fffawkin said dat. who said it? maybe as a lil jhhhoke. high pitched.. we didnt! right??' this goes on for 2 or 3 solid minutes.

Meanwhile, Ant and Jim are silent and just said yeah we love kevin. I guarantee Opie was the one who said something.

You can tell by how defensive Opie is being that it was absolutely him. The way he kept saying "maybe someone made a lil joke i dunno" is a dead giveaway

Jim and ant's silence while opie babbles is what gives it away.

And then ant let's out an awkward "yeeeeh".

Opie wants the show to be all about him

Why else would you have a guest on other than to talk about themselves and their projects?

because youre supposed to just talk about opies stuff. grapefruit beer, milkshakes, blueberries, trophy wives that are about to leave you because youre a fucking loser of a radio shock jock.

"Kevin, you came from a lower middle class family, like mine. Where we at wit da cement bags?! sniff"

I wish he would be shanked just for this line he never said.

Opie tweeted something like that like, right before Kevin came in. Something like "love when he's on but he can talk a lot" or some bullshit.

Yeah someone was listening to them all talk in studio on Paltalk I think and started tweeting Kevin Smith that Opie was saying something like "Kevin loves to talk about Kevin" or something

It was actually really awkward because around that time (2010-2012ish) Kevin Smith would go on really long pothead soliloquies on phoners and you could hear them sighing or laughing when he just kept talking.

Opie seriously drove Kevin away from the show. Kevin was a fan and was making frequent appearances until Opie started talking shit about him.

Opie and Kevin hung out with each other a few times off air. On the air, he bashed Kevin for "only talking about himself." Kevin (a regular listener) heard that. Opie also said something off mic that PalTalk users heard and repeated to Kevin. As a result, Kevin was offended and scaled back his appearances/friendship with the show.

All in all, Opie is just a pile of shit.

I got all the shows. I can help find it if I can get help narrowing it down. Kevin called in from the set of a movie.....was it the Bruce Willis movie or Red State?? I gotta find out when those were shot then I can start looking. He absolutely put the Smack down on Opie and I'm telling you, Ope shut the fuck up so fast and stayed quiet the rest of the call. It was CLASSIC

You know, I coulda been a model

I'm almost positive it was September or October 2009. I heard it live and I stopped listening live in early 2010. I'm pretty sure Kevin was still filming Cop Out, so that puts it pre-2010.

Check 9/8/09 or 10/27/09.

My favorite is when Kevin was on hold and Opie said something along the lines of "Hold on, Kevin Smith is dying to get on the air with us."

And then Kevin said something like, "I'm just on hold, I'm not DYING to get on the air" and then said it was was similar to the way Howard used to treat him.

(slight correction)

he said....."HOLD ON, HOLD ON............Kevin Smith is BEGGING to get in!!"

-to which Kevin replied: "Uh, YOU guys called ME"

-exposing opie as a DISHONEST, INSECURE, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE cum-hole for the 7,000th time

Hahaha that's was it. Thank you.


Holy Shit that happened? When?

OO ok. No clip tho? Or it really was buried...

I don't know anything about this incident, but I do want to point out that Kevin smith hasn't made a decent movie in 15 years.

Red State was the best thing he's done.

Clerks 2

It would have been 100x better if it turned out that they were right and the film ended with the rapture. That would have been way scarier. I felt he copped out at the end.

i think it would have been too hokey if that happened, and would just be corny as fuck, i thought it ended great. Michael Park just kept being eccentric and crazy right up till the end.

i think it would have been too hokey if that happened, and would just be corny as fuck, i thought it ended great. Michael Park just kept being eccentric and crazy right up till the end.

I didn't see "Red State" but it's supposed to be pretty good.

awesome. Little campy acting but phenomenal film

I liked Red State a lot.


Oh, come on, you didn't love him shoving his and Depp's Kids down our throats in Yoga Hosers?

I won't attack his daughter, that's a Peckah move - but I will say the quality of that movie, and everyone since Clerks 2, is shit.

I'd attack his daughter....with my cock!!

Idk they just put yoga hosers on netflix and it was a hoot

I am interested too. Opie made Kevin seem really despite iirc

"Kevin wants in badly!"

"No man, I was just on hold... "

To be fair to the Opester, he was probably honing the discussion, getting right to the 'sweet spot', then wanted to 'pump it up a bit' with a megastar like Kevin Smith who was on the line. Classic technique by a true raqio master.

Givin all us out here in radio land a lil taste of the Kevin Smith sniff

then you undoubtedly LOVED when Opie would announce: THATS THE BIT......when Ant, JIM,Comics would start throwing out funny lines


"someone.......NOT ME......is about to start riffing, & will make the show really funny ......I'LL THEN PRETEND I CONTRIBUTED TO THE RESULTING LAUGHTER"

That was when he was all over the place plugging Red State I think.

You are correct sir.

Yeah, that was back in the time when he had a stick up his ass about everything; Bruce Willis, Howard Stern, the Hollywood system. It was everyone else fault he'd never directed a major hit film.

Then he smoked himself retarded.

I feel like that all happened because he smoked himself retarded. The guy used to be cool. Now he just acts like a whiny bitch about everything. He pretends to fight against internet trolls when he spent his entire career as one.

Now he just makes movies that are intentionally bad so he can act like its cool because that is what he wanted to do.

There's no way Bruce Willis isn't a huge fucking tool.





tsss yah he buried it like i bury faawwkkkin sock cuckahhsssssss wit my yumaa

......... your phone cut out dude.

Nothing bombs like a bad Chip joke

They need to be bad in a good way. It's definitely an art form most civilians could never understand.

Calling Chris Rock "Chris Pebble" is the best Chip line.

oh sorry

......... your phone cut out dude.