Is this the only face this fat fuck ever makes?

34  2016-12-07 by [deleted]


I had to turn off the recent JRE because he wouldn't stfu. We get it: you have only been making shit movies since the Clinton administration because you make movies for yourself! The critics think you are terrible and you are just fine with it, you say? He is insufferable and it is no suprise he has a list of people he has had problems with cause they criticized him.

How anyone could listen to the two of them in a room together is beyond me


He dresses like a fucking idiot.

The fact that he wears the same outfit every day is ridiculous and annoying. The douche is trying to brand his awful look like a fucking cartoon character.

nothing says "cool & confident" like a XXXL hockey jersey and a pair of jorts man!! although now, nothing says "faggot duche head" like me typing the word jorts and knowing what they are even.

He stole Whatley's gimmick.

15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand.

And if that money doesnt show, then ya owe-me owe-me owe

Haha, I saw that movie as well!

that shit was so gay 80s style.

The best Kevin Smith moment was when Jim and Patrice barreled over that fat lunkhead to talk about the greatness of Vice Squad.

I haven't watched that or Face Off yet because i'm afraid it's terribleness is only great in retrospect, and going into it knowing it's ridiculous will just be bad

He is absolutely punchable. Clerks was good, Mallrats was ok. He lost me after both of those.

Looks like some ICP fan

Yup. They're all either fat, akward nerds, faggy, wiggerish, homeless or, all five of those things.

I wish he would go back to being silent

You cats don't like how Kevin Smith makes flicks for himself and doesn't care what the critics say?


He only makes that face when he's being a shitty father.

Why is he a shitty father?

Hockey jerseys.

Trotting his daughter out to be ridiculed in those awful movies he makes.


and shit like that

WE FUCKING GET IT!!!...........YOU LIKE POT're just a "schlubby comic book geek from NJ forced to swim with the sharks in Tinseltown


Enough about Joe, we're trying to discuss Kevin Smith

No but Don't you get it? He says "fuck" quite a bit. Which is really hip and Lenny bruce

He's still fat, but why does he insist on wearing those stupid jerseys 3 sizes too large for him?

Is that the guy from Degrassi?

Did he start and end every fucking sentence with "sir"?

He's the guy that wears hockey shirts

this fat fuck ALWAYS makes a dumb face every time he takes a pic

What is he twelve?

I haven't heard this yet, but will listen. It's going to be tough with Joe "Constantly Trying To Be Profound" Rogan leading the discussion. I always liked Kevin as himself/a personality in the past but it seems the last few years he's veered a bit down Self Righteous Ave.

I will say his book Tough Shit was hilarious and inspirational af. (If you're any kind of art fag) I loved that goddamn book.

Adam Lanza facial expression having asshole.


As RLM would say he's a hack.

Haven't you seen any of his movies?

Am I the only one that hates Clerks?




He isn't fat any more.

No, he's not morbidly obese anymore. He's still fat as fuck.

It's all in his ass and thighs which is why he got kicked out of a plane.

That's why he wears large, flowing hockey jerseys. It's not like he ever strapped on a pair of skates.

He has milk in one hand and a cigarillo in the other - guy is revolutionary.

thats a doober

Enough about Joe, we're trying to discuss Kevin Smith