Lena Dunham just posted this on instagram and promptly deleted it mins later

13  2016-12-07 by GRIZx


clearly fake those tits are way too big for that flatso

Honestly, I think that gross fake body would be an improvement.

At least its a womans body.

Lena Dunham being fat and having no tits makes her natures cruel mistake.

Flatsos really are tragic.

They're not as bad as Spongebobs. No one wants a fat bitch with a flat ass.

Aw man Idk if i should believe this....

How many beers?



Take the number required to blind you and add 10 to be safe. Then when you wake up in the morning you can pretend it's just the dog licking your balls after it shit the bed.

Check out the empties, mahn.

Nah. More like a five day meth binge

I kind of fucked a fat chick once. By the time I had enough alcohol to gather up the fortitude to do the disgusting deed I couldn't keep it up. So I guess in Dunham's case enough to kill me.

Methanol only


Why does your stupid phone show low battery at 32%?

sweet lady

It's nice that she takes the time to think of her parents. Not only is she concerned for our nation's welfare, she's also family-oriented!

That body is anorexic compared to her real one.

Flatsos really are tragic.