"I'm going to go over those periscope videos like the Zapruder film" - Anthony on his show just now

35  2016-12-06 by Ant_Sucks

His legal stuff will be wrapped up by Christmas, and he's going to give her a savage on-air beating by the sounds of things.


Bill burr, dani, Patrice's benefit.. This half breed just doesn't read the warning signs

Anthony really thinks he can just sit there in his basement and do the Dice voice over his Domestic Violence incident, call himself a faggot and we are all gonna line up with our mommies credit cards to sign up for his shit network.

How delusional he is is just unreal

Are you doubting his ability to make domestic violence fun and light-hearted?

No he's doubting our willingness to pay to entertainment. I've been listening for years and I've spent 0.00

WHERE'S MY FUCKING GUN? <cue in Brady Bunch scene transition music>

I'm genuinely curious to hear what his defense will be.

Ain't paying for that shit, though.

"She was asking for it"

How many cards does he have left to play, though? Retardedly, this is his ace in the hole.

Also, everybody will watch it. Nobody's gonna subscribe to watch it, but everybody will watch it, which is something, I guess.

die of aids dani

This faggot also lied about Sue Lightning today. I'm sure his play-by-play will be as believable as him photographing scaffolding at 3 am in Times Square.

So this is how he gets banned from the benefit again.

Wonder if he saw this one: https://vid.me/Njyf

"they have a lot of time to fuck with you" - Dani brand, unemployed junkie

"i said nothing about it, i didn't tweet pictures..."

you broadcasted it live to hundreds of people as it happened you blabbermouth cunt

Holy shit - she's gotten so FAT!

what a disgusting pig. Couldn't tell if that was Dani Brand or Vinny Brand.

"Irregardless". Eat a bullet.

She looks like Norton

She looks like fucking Zelda from Pet Semetary.

Or the zombie cat.

She was about to light Jim Norton up, did anyone catch that? It cut out before hand.


thank you

Cutting her hair was not a smart move

She looks fuckin terrible with that hair. she looks like shes a member of pussy riot. enough with this worthless cunt im so glad shes back to being the junkie no one she deserves to be.

She's brave. The patriarchal pieces of shit who post here cannot fathom how much she is doing for the cause. Gloria Allred should take note.

She has meth teeth

I 100% believe everything Ant said about this situation after seeing this.

Ant really is attracted to crazy. Wow. How did he put up with that?

going to kick her in the e-ribs this time!

"Zapruder Film"

Is his constant repeating of the same retarded dated jokes getting to anyone yet?

Hummina Hummina, Uh, ed nawhton!

Anthony, don't be a CUNT.

Anthony really has descended into madness.

Zapruder film?!

How unlike Tranthony to come up with a 53 year old reference.

Wtf is that

Its the guy who shot the jfk tapes

What better reference would you use?

Yeah how dare he reference the most highly researched and studied film recording of all time, what are we, scholars? Keep it hip and fresh for us wacky millennials!

If he didn't reference the Zapruder film every goddamn time someone talks about going over a film, I'd agree with your sarcasm.

Anthony Cumia is dead. Its over for this dude.

Tranthony is all that is left of him.

I know shes not exactly the most likable person but she has a point. She could have been 100 times worse. She broadcasted it in the heat of the moment, Anthony isnt owed privacy while he bloodsports her into the fifth dimension.

She could have made things way way worse for him. By the way he's sober now and getting his friends back. Probably the best thing that ever happened to him.

Looking forward to this, though Keith seemed to be trying to talk him out of it.

Not a good idea by Anthony.

He may have worked out some bullshit plea deal for his criminal charges, but she could probably still sue him in a civil suit.

Ixnay on the ood-gay advice-gay!


I'm cringing at the idea of him doing this, getting called out by Jezebel again then getting uninvited to the Patrice benefit once more.

That apartment looks like it is a shooting gallery for dope fiends. I wonder if that is Ant's place?

If I was Anthony I'd shut down the show until January and ride out the holidays.

Every Christmas Anthony is beating up a bitch. Shit is like clockwork. Its like the Lion's Football Game on thanksgiving, its an annual event.

RIP to whatever bitch that gets choke slammed this year by Anthony.

Or the zombie cat.