Best Press Conference of All Time?

14  2016-12-06 by crookedmile


it's hilarious that people were trying to harass the cops for being racist by calling them faggots

"We need to stop racism and hate speech, you coon uncle tom faggot ass nigga bitch!"

Niggers are homophobic and faggots are racist. We live in a funny world.

I don't know much about this story.. am I right in thinking white guy shoots black former NFL player. Cops arrest white guy Cops let white guy go Black people lose their shit on fb and twitter Police chief comes out and reads fb and twitter troll comments on live tv and tells them off, cuz we all know the best way to deal with trolls is give them attention and acknowledge them/us Cops re arrest white guy who admits to killing black guy

No. These are from BLM leaders apparently not random people. That's why he kept thanking "credible" black leaders for being reasonable and not crying "cracka!"

Just read a bit more on this.. so the white guy shot the big nigga in self defence during a road rage incident... you guys and your fuckin guns.. you cut the guy off at the lights, get out and catch a little beating or try and talk your way out.. what a fuckin faggot this white guy is.. I hope he gets done for murder

if americans just knew the wanker wrist motion none of this needed to happen.

Oi dickhead.. you get your license off the back of a cereal packet? and that's road rage in Britain (obviously Kenneth noye was an exception)

Little nigga. He was a running back.

"With that bullshit nigga!" Fuck me. This is gold. The Opster has got a nugget for his midnight show.


I hear intern Noah I is working there. The Opster has his connections.

"Where we at with nn-tt-fff-ttt-whh.. with the.. uhhh. uhhh... PRESS RELEASE from Louisiana. Did I say Press Release/ I meant Press Conference.. THANK YOU.. uhh.. E-Rock. Anyway, where y'at with the uhh uhh Sheriff of Louisiana? Did you see he used the NIGGER WORD ON NATIONAL TELEVISION?! Huhhuhhuh! Shit got a nigger........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................zRIBS hurtin toDAY! It was hill-air-ee-us. Anywayyyy, good morning Sherrod! Where y'at with this Chipotle customer satisfaction? Yeah? Ohh boy and the $10 Starbucks Reserve coffee! That's as crazy as Chris Pratt on Jimmy Kimmel! It was amazing, just like the Pizzagate shooter with the meteorite in Siberia that powers Google with renewable energy from Trump tweets!"

And that's how Oqie the professional conversationalist handles a day's news in 5 minutes.

You signed up for the gig crybaby.

I love how he says that the insults don't bother him, and then points to the cops behind him and says that the insults are directed at them.

Holly shit this is like a better SNL sketch.


this press conference rules

Every time a cop speaks carefully with composure it reminds me of Kenny's retarded, slow cadence.


Shame on a nigga

One guy was enraged at the other because the local kfc had an impromptu sale on dark meat and one man was left without any legs or thighs.

Fuck all that. What's really mind blowing Y'alls when did Bob Kelly become a N.O. Policeman .Officer Bawby,Y'alls.