(Serious) Is anybody here a Jugalo?

62  2016-12-06 by iWhereSchortSchorts

Because that would be some faggot shit. edit: front page wooo! edit#2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! edit#3: To those of you dming me about there being good Jugalos I get it sure, but there are plenty of horrible ones.


Who cares about jugalos.. we know there are actual Proud Boys around here. That's way worse.

Being a proud boy is literally gayer than gay sex with a man.

It is because people have gay sex without talking about it and making it a "thing." It just happens and then ends. These Proud Boys are a whole ordeal.

No gay guy tattoos "Proud Faggot" on his neck.

If he thinks it'll make him a buck Milo would probably tattoo "dangerous faggot" on his neck.

So what did you tattoo on your neck then?

"Diffident Faggot"

Well played. Made me have to learn a new word.

Scientists have proven its a gay sex concentrate.

The funny part is they don't even realize they're being trolled by their own messiah.


Where the weeeest is the best

uuhuuhuuhhuuuhhuuuhhuuruuu were the proud boyz


What's some of those other queers we got?

/u/Clibarnius and who else

/u/stinkskc suck purty good don't he?

Me :(

You mean /u/Clibanarius? The most obnoxious Hillary shill that used constantly post here but hasn't posted anything ehre since the election, that guy?

I'm actually a Bernie shill

No, they are essentially the same. Except of course, employment status.

Even worse than that, Barmy members


I like the pictures of their gross conventions with sleazebag whores that get gangfucked by neckbeards in a pile of empty beer cans. They party a lot like the gays but in an oddly heterosexual manner.

Yeah that's fucking disgusting, yuck.


Agreed, they look like they know how to throw a party.

It's as if Beavis and Butthead threw Burning Man

Burning couch.

Burning Crotch

What's more embarrassing, this, or getting caught jerking in front of a mirror? I'm gonna go with this myself.

Caught by who?

What's wrong with jerking in front of mirror, how else you gonna see mamas shoe

Jerking off to this in front of a mirror is my guess for next logical step.

You mean "caught" right?

If I were a juggalo, that's how I'd want to go. Half my face painted and people attending the services in light colored t shirts.

"Everyone wear pastels and hold up your vape during the song about fucking fat chicks."

Dont forget the dixie cup shots of robotussin

Does the corner lining up with his juggalo line have deep meaning or is it just a weird coincidence?

I see alot of ICP decals on cars around where I live...but then again I live in a state with the worst crystal meth problem in the country

Edit: Missouri


New Mexico obv


North Dakota?

It's definitely somewhere with a lot of white people.


A library?

A job?


I used to go to school in bum fuck maryland, i would pretty regularly see juggalos buying bullets at walmart

Bad news if it's for others, good news if it's for themselves.

Hopefully to share with one another.


My God, these trash people look like they have a stink that could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.

That place is a genetic dumpster.

I found myself still watching like 3 minutes after the time stamp, I was mesmerized.

Go back and watch from the beginning, juggalos are great. ICP is hilarious too, watch their movie "Big Money Hustlas"

Big Money Rustlas is obviously the superior film.

That doc is amazing, very well made and edited.

Christ, that makes me wish I was a juggalo. It looks bad on the outside, but it's cool for them.

Like Opie and Sherrod.

Jim Norton likes Kiss, he's a Juggalo from way back.

And no, that's not what we're calling Opie's fans now lol.

I knew there was a ffffawkin line there somewhere!

My grandson got me to go to jugalo fest for his 50th birthday party 10 years ago. Now we're both into it.

Are you 100?

I'm 112 years young, I'll be 113 in May.

The gay sex part?

Triggered #Nohomo

Grandson? You old fart

da fug?

Fuckin magnets, how do they work?

I don't like them but ICP are pretty entertaining in a white trash way, them on Howard stern shitting on ozzy to his wife is great

The only metal he's king of is heroin needles

I've been called a lot of things but I've never been called rubbish

Wrong sub, try r/Imahugefaggot

I have never met a juggalo that didn't offend my sense of smell. It's like you have to swear off hygiene to be able to consider yourself to be one.

Did anyone see that documentary about the Gathering of the Juggalos, "Whoop Dreams"? It was pretty hilarious insight into the meth head communities that go there every year.

It's a trailer trash bash.

I personally don't give a shit about the band or their fans - as long as they keep that shit at their "gatherings", it's all good.

Used to amuse me to see them show up at metal shows, and get their asses kicked, though.


It's okay, we understand, your heroes are fat wiggers in clown makeup.

We know, it hurts.

Metal fans are just as cringeworthy

Honestly i think theyre worse

How could you tell who was who?

Most slayer fans don't wear makeup and go "whoop whoop".


I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that nobody corrected it to juggalo for you. I quite frankly find them fascinating, and would like to one day paint my face and go all-in on the white trash bit just to experience it. Same with visiting a Mormon temple, another group of really weird people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLxATMokhq4

I agree. I would totally go just to be in the middle of all the weirdnesss

Ill go if you need someone to make 'holy fuck do you believe this exists' looks with.

Whoop Whoop! I am a former juggalo, went to the gathering 3 times. I have great memories of it but now i mainly consider myself to be a Proud Boy. I still keep it real and will put on my juggalo makeup and sip of faygo every few months.

I'm not, but I do like and appreciate Juggalos.

Somewhere out there right now is a cop beating a guy that is dressed as a murder clown.

We live in a world where this actually happens. Because of juggalos, there are cops who live in a pre-reboot superhero tv show.

I think that's beautiful.

And it's not like any of those retarded queers would have amounted to anything better if they DIDN'T decide to put on makeup. A tryhard wigger rap group comprised of homosexual mental midgets is not the reason that Juggalos are who they are. They're like that because of meth and inbreeding.

Those people were always going to be worthless "human" garbage. At least as juggalos, their hijinks are funny.

See that's what I mean, if they were not juggalos, that situation would just be tragic as fuck.

Instead, I look at the picture and I just see a wacky inevitability.

And knowing that the baby is spared a life as their kid actually makes it better, it turns what should be a complete nightmare scenario into kind've a happy scene. Relative to the alternative, anyways.

You aren't wrong.

I totally agree. It's just a really odd thing as it's clown-based, so it's like you mixed the circus and carnie employees, gave them meth and pills, and then encouraged them to just infiltrate society.

That's a hot take

I live down the street from where the fat ICP lived, smoked with his fat ugly niece and his fat ugly family still lives in shit hole Dearborn Heights.

whoop whoop mmfwcl

Sir! my God! we are proud of our fellow African-American pests here - we have no place nor tolerance for that kind of language.

He said jugalo, not jigabo

You spelled both wrong.

boo! boo!

Yard Ape?

Aren't Juggalos grown men that are stuck in their teenage years?

Yeah, you've heard of Big Jay Oakerson right?

Jay actually has some good stories about preforming at the gathering.

I've heard, I like Jay, but that doesn't make non-utility fingerless gloves any less juvenile in your 30s.

...retarded grown men...

Me and the Florida crew are cosplayers. It's pretty close.

What do you cosplay as besides a comedian?


How could you possibly have the opinion that ICP is a great band. That's blows my mind, what is your reasoning?

He's most likely brain dead from nitrous.


So, either way you still collect welfare?



I had a tard moment and thought "gigalo" and was going to come in here and make a pecka reference.


What have juggalos turned into? Emos became "metal guys" or bearded hipsters


They move back down to standard meth addicts.


Or punks covered in patches sewn on with dental floss

Shit son the punks I know were always 77


Are you 24?

My brother was for years. He was the typical middle class kid who needed to belong, maaaaaaahn! It was sad. He used to lie to people and say he was from Detroit so no one beat his ass for being a richie.

I unironicly love icp. They don't take themselves seriously and rap about the most insane and retardedly ludicrous stuff like going on murder sprees and chopping women's tits off with axes,bowling with people's heads and knife fucking women . It's hilarious. Most people havnt heard a single song and just go along with the anti icp circle jerk. Check them out on Howard Stern. They got into a fight with Sharon osbourne and said ozzy is the king of metal due to all the syringes broken off in his arm. They demolished her. They're funny as hell. Fuck u op

like going on murder sprees and chopping women's tits off with axes,bowling with people's heads and knife fucking women

no no you see, you were supposed to convince us that theyd be worth checking out. Im sure you did quite the opposite for this demographic.

So they're like D12 without the lyricism? Word up dude.

The only one who is funny in d12 is bizarre. "All bitches is hoes, even my stinking ass mom" or "some bitch asked for my autograph, I called her a whore and spit beer in her face and laughed". Icp is better overall Tbh fam bbq

I go pretty deep. I'm all in with the ICP.


They still exist?

Obligatory unfortunately.

This is like 10 years old, but it still cracks me up: Jeremy the Juggalo

I hope you're all familiar with the Juggalo fetus funeral

damn kid was lucky not to be raised in shitty trailer park


i don't live in a trailer park



I don't call or refer to myself as a juggalo, but I've been to the gathering a few years.

E-rock is a jiggle-bro. If that helps.

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[NSFW] American Juggalo 10 - Jim Norton is
Caught Masturbating While Smelling his Shoe 5 - hes brasilian
Gathering of the Juggalos Documentary 5 - I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that nobody corrected it to juggalo for you. I quite frankly find them fascinating, and would like to one day paint my face and go all-in on the white trash bit just to experience it. Same with visitin...
jeremy the juggalo - internuts 1 - This is like 10 years old, but it still cracks me up: Jeremy the Juggalo

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I'm just a jugalo, and everywhere I go, people know the part I'm playin

A lot of my friends growing up were juggalos. I come from a place in Canada with a lot of them. I'm not one myself but I am a sympathizer. They're really fucking funny on loveline but their music is awful.

one of the best workaholics eps.

No but I want to go to the Gathering of the Juggalos just to see it...I may walk in and walk right out because I'm scared but I still wanna see it.

Couldn't name a single Insane Clown Posse song.


I used to be a huge wigger when I was young. But never a Jugalo.

And your parents are loaded? Lol you Chet Haze ass nigga.

I was Chet Haze in 1994

Anyone whos white and using "nigga" should be considered a white nigger.(wigger) Lol you scared of "er" mother fucker.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger I don't give a fuck about using the word it's just nigga is the appropriate form for that context.

fuck i got showed. bet youre to to scared to say it 6 times in one post

I am :(

Were all friends here.

You are gayer than Jugualos drinking Fago


What's more embarrassing, this, or getting caught jerking in front of a mirror? I'm gonna go with this myself.

Burning Crotch