Alt-right sweetheart Tomi Lahren defiled by mongrel Charlamagne tha God

0  2016-12-06 by [deleted]



my heart is broken

Charlemagne the faggot is a retarded loud mouthed tool.

Is there a white pride subreddit you can post this to?

It's so weird how /r/OpieAndAnthony has become an ideological battleground between actual white nationalists and people who just like to say words like faggot and nigger while not actually holding far-right views.

nigger nigger nigger


Lol you actually think I would be an O&A listener and regular poster here, if my flair wasn't ironic and self-aware? Goddamn you guys are out of touch. You see SJW boogeymen in every corner.

And what's a "wannabe communist" anyway? You either are a communist or you aren't. Consider terms like "starbucks revolutionary" or "hipster lifestylist" next time, they get much closer to the idea I assume you're trying to express, and are way more likely to get under a leftists' skin.

A Ghazelle who listens to O&A. Never thought I'd see the day.

If I was only able to classify peoples' politics based on where they stand on GamerGate, I would be pretty embarrassed of myself.

Just sayin'

If anti-GG wasn't such a hivemind of SocJus self-flagellating goony beards and rainbow haired third-wave feminists, you may have a point.

Just sayin'

Most people on the far left haven't even heard of GG, and we have way more interesting things to be offended by than ethics in game journalism.



Funnily enough, I don't say that. I think it's been implemented just fine. Mass-purges of reactionary elements in society get my dick hard. ;)



I happily have never heard of anyone in this story.


nigger nigger nigger


Lol you actually think I would be an O&A listener and regular poster here, if my flair wasn't ironic and self-aware? Goddamn you guys are out of touch. You see SJW boogeymen in every corner.

And what's a "wannabe communist" anyway? You either are a communist or you aren't. Consider terms like "starbucks revolutionary" or "hipster lifestylist" next time, they get much closer to the idea I assume you're trying to express, and are way more likely to get under a leftists' skin.