Watch female comedians (one who might have had a stroke given jaw movement) give it their all to be ironic. Talk about LAUGHS!!!!!!!

3  2016-12-06 by crookedmile


These chicks are wild. I saw a link to a video "enjoying your dirty thirties". Oh man, dirty thirties guys..... Haven't laughed this hard since Garfield ate all that lasagna

Don't you hate Mondays?!

40 seconds faggots. Beat that.

Lol beat me by 10 I think. I got up to "youth bodies" please tell me this isn't popular

I got to "truth bodies" you pussy. Can't even imagine a universe where that shit is funny.

What's the deal with that curry woman then? Old cinnamon lips

Does she talk like that because she thinks it's funny? Jesus Christ I hate America

Which one? Holy shit that affect they do is enraging. I hope they both give birth to shlubby children

The one who talks "funny" you know thats not how she really talks. Kind of like that youtube star Seinfeld kept cracking up at on his show

The paki or Judy Gold Jr? They both are terrible and talk funny


Ahhh. I guess her jaw really was broken. I thought she was kidding because of how funny and brave she is. Next time I'll pound her mid-section and deflate the diaphragm



I got to "truth bodies" you pussy. Can't even imagine a universe where that shit is funny.