Pizzagate opie connection? Explain.

0  2016-12-05 by Thewisefreak

I saw that big long article/essay posted on here. It was too long for me to pay attention to it. Now is see that place got shot up. Can anyone explain the connection to the o&a universe?


Opies a faggot.


Opie fucked a bunch of kids.

I wander if there's a code for retard baby

You know why you never see pictures of Opie's kids? He sold them to John Podesta.

ME: I'm ALL IN with the extra cheese pizza! I've had a lil taste - jussa taste!

The childspit drinking cumia brothers are involved

Opie likes "pizza" with extra "pepperoni"

Opie once ate a slice of pizza. Then he fucked a kid.

Since Pizzagate doesn't exist outside of the world conspiracy freaks, it unfortunately exonerates Opie from any wrong doing.