Why does Jimmy hate the NRA?

0  2016-12-05 by [deleted]



I'm a supporter, but they're far from perfect. They're like any labor union. Their obstinacy is always the maximum possible when it comes to every single thing. You'll never hear like a "yeah I guess that was a little fucked up". Everything's a slippery slope where if you break character for a half a second, you could "lose ground". It's annoying.

Because he wants Ricky gervais to give him shit roles that never make it to anything

He didnt like their reaction after the Newtown school shooting.

for the SAME reason he does with ALL his political views.....

........ONCE, someone above him in the "industry" pecking order, or he thinks might help his career TOLD HIM SOMETHING

and that SINGULAR morsel of information is how he will define his sociopolitical opinions till the day he dies

Because he is a virtue-signalling closeted faggot

They are more famous than him