From an askreddit thread about worst celebrity encounters. Who do you think the famous comedian is?

25  2016-12-05 by cbanks420lol


This could have been absolutely any of the O and A comedians except Patton. If she'd gone to that hotel room with him she wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

One of the most fucked up things associated with this sub to date.


He's our cute and loveable boy, that's who he is!

If I had even the slightest fame and money; I'd get caught funneling coke in my nose and getting 14 year olds to jerk me off before i ever got big, so I don't judge Louis even if it's all true. If anything I commend him.

Yeah same. It's not like he's a rapist or anything he's just a weirdo who likes to make women watch him cum.

Have you used your 2500 twitter follower klout to get any underage girls to spit on your penis?

Not yet unfortunately. :(

Youre wasting your influence!

When I said "not yet unfortunately. :(" it was just a joke! I need to write that because I've got heat on me over pizzagate. I'm this close to solving the case.

I should've known your communicay was layered. Keep it TOTALLY LEGAL

Louis CK. Its obvious.

Who would wanna sleep with Louis CK??

Black women, but when they produce offspring they are 100% white

I've heard this rumor quite a few times now.

When I said "not yet unfortunately. :(" it was just a joke! I need to write that because I've got heat on me over pizzagate. I'm this close to solving the case.