i AM thE faTHur Of JEss'es bAYbee

31  2016-12-05 by schmuckOnWheels

I fucked that bitch raw dog son


No April fools here.


ShE is A WomAN oF LowEr StOck

One of us has to be the father, we should go on Maury.

...and YOU Mr. Roberts....are NOT the father

Lets bring out the father, Everyone welcome Gregg "Opie" Hughes to the show!

"All I got say Maury, I told this bitch to hold on, next thing I know we both got off

fight breaks out

Opie to Sam: Like I told ya lambchop, should've kept your heard on a swivel

If you tricked her into thinking you had a condom on, it would be the best aprehl fawls ever.

Is that you Mr. Lee?

Opie to Sam: Like I told ya lambchop, should've kept your heard on a swivel

"All I got say Maury, I told this bitch to hold on, next thing I know we both got off

fight breaks out