Reddit is a site that's made by faggots, for faggots

22  2016-12-05 by frrunkis


Law of Reddit #1: A reddit posts total tally of upvotes is directly proportional to the faggotry of its aids-riddled content.

99% of this site is garbage. You rotten degenerates are the only reason to come here and the only reason I've signed up. I love you all, and I pray daily that you all catch the most virulent strain of AIDS due to sexual misadventures.

I love you all


I pray daily that you all catch the most virulent strain of AIDS due to sexual misadventures.


Aw, I'm really sorry, u/cbanks420lol. If it's any consolation, I hope you get AIDS last.

Remember Sully when I promised to give you AIDS last?

I lied.


These Redditor fellas are really getting their money's worth out of this 'hey {noun}, I'm Dad" joke.

the worst is when some fuck makes a shitty joke and then 10 other people try to be funny by changing the jokes sentence structure up.

tss this guys pretty good

The front page is pure faggotry. Having to go through it to get here on my phone is like having to go through a room where a bunch of fags are trying tongue each other's asses just to get to the room where you can relax and get raped in the butt. You just have to avert your eyes and get the fuck out of there.

Could you speak some more on that room? unzip

I don't get it. Wouldn't the Dad know the son's name since he named him? And what, are they meeting for the first time? And why is he getting so worked up if he's just introducing himself? None of this makes sense.

He decided to diffuse the tense situation by making a "dad joke".


Says the faggot on reddit

No, you're the faggot.

faggot is all sad that his favorite website is getting shit on. fuck you faggot, reddit sucks dicks

You suck dicks