Can we start hating Joe again?

31  2016-12-04 by jjno1

The SAMCRO shit was great.


Who stopped hating Joe?

We just don't want to publicly do it anymore, did you know he's in a biker gang that have murdered loads of people?

I also avoid publicly hating the Proud Boys. As someone who can only name 3 brands of a cereal, I want to play it safe.

What was that thing I heard about child spit? Anyone got details?

You're right. We must internalize it.

Too late, he pm'd me and said he's coming for you, sucker.


Making fun of SAMCROBROJOE gets old because he's too moronic to actually get it

Even TittyBoi gets what we're doing on some level, Joe actually thinks he's super cool and we're all losers

1 out of 2 ain't bad.

ME: I don't pay attention to the fawking haters, okay?

We still hate Joe. He's a mediocre guitar player, horrible singer and is delusional enough to believe that without him there would have been no O&A show. Doesn't have a job and leeches money from his younger brother. He really feels like he contributed to the success of the show and was part of it all. He inspires so much hate that we sometimes burn ourselves out and need to take a break.

But never fear, FX has ordered a spinoff to Sons of Anarchy called Mayans MC so we will be refueled, refreshed and ready when Joe starts posting pics of himself in Mayans MC merchandise. When he poses on his fake Harley knock off Haikatsu motorcycle wearing a Mayans MC faux leather vest or sunglasses the floodgates will be torn open and the hate and anger will rain down on him like the fury of a thousand demons.

Bide your time and wait my friend.

Actually he's a better than mediocre guitar player. I know because I'm a mediocre guitar player.

Do you have to look at the guitar as you play it to make sure you place your fingers properly the way he does?

Depends what I'm playing, but generally not. But Eddie Van Halen says he sometimes has to be able to see what he's doing. It does not really matter to me if he looks all the time if he plays well.

My statement is based on the fact he can play those Journey solos, that regardless of how you feel about Journey, are not easy.

His guitar playing never sounds all that fluid, it comes across as forced and ham handed. So just because he can do a Journey solo doesn't mean he does it well or even mildly listenable. I can pick up a gun and shoot it but I won't be as good a shot as someone who has trained and is a dead shot and does it without really thinking.

Theres so much to hate about the man it's alright for him to be good at something padawan.

Are you the stand up comic?

wait so are we talking about Joe Derosa?

No I am not a stand up comic.

Then who am I thinking of?

No clue. Someone here has speculated that I am some comedian with the first name Dave as if Dave is an uncommon name and as if Dave is actually my real first name. I'm just a guy with time to waste so I come on here for some laughs. If you ever read my posts you'd know I am not funny at all.

Self deprecating and modest? Next you'll be telling me that you have a 5 inch penis and are single...

3 inches and a graveyard full of dead hookers.

Maybes he's Dave Bone from The Company Band

There's been a lot of shitposting material lately with J&S. Joe is the low hanging fruit for the hard times, a stable point to always go back to.

If anyone deserves to have their everyday life messed with it's that entitled waste of space.

just follow him on Facebook. its really the most consistent source of laughter for me nowadays. he either has zero self awareness or is intentionally trolling the sub with his long winded inane ramblings. it really is amazing.

If he's trolling then he's a truly brilliant and imaginative writer. It's just about impossible to fake being that stupid, and in that particular fashion.

If he's trolling, AMC or FX or HBO needs to hire him as the head writer of their next big show.

I'd like to think he spends his hours, until the early parts of the morning, combing through posts that mention him on here. And then he crawls into bed with his spouse and cries about us to her, with a single tear running down his cheek.

"Go sleep on the couch, you smell like one of Anthony's Lightning parties again.

Smells like Bud light, gunsmoke and poo

I'm making a list of those people who stopped.

When did we ever stop?

I've never stopped fam.

Da nigga got weak eyelids fam

Apparently OP doesn't pay attention to fuck-all.

Well, fuck you.

How does that feel, asshole.

I didn't know we stopped


The SOA spinoff is happening, so there'll be plenty of hate going his way once he starts wearing Mayans garb. Until then, let's just hate on Opie until he leaves Sirius in a few months.

People started getting scared of his hacker biker gang.

But then we found out hes black and black people cant hack so maybe we should start again