Unpopular opinion: Amy Schumer stinks

26  2016-12-04 by johannessens


Woah! Ease up a bit, guy!



OP doesn't think women are funny, makes this thread. What city do you live in so I can file the proper rape report against you. >:(

None of the ass kissers (Opie, Anthony, Jimmy) will ever admit it

Dude have you not heard her one bit about her vagina? Go listen to it and see if you think she stinks (unlike her vagina which definitely does.)

That's not a vagina,that's a stink hole.

It ate that nice fett boy

She should take a shower or sumpthin.

With a toaster.

In a nice vat of Hydrofluoric acid.

With zyklon-B

This sub may be the place for corrosive humor but there are still lines that need not be crossed...

Sir, this is a rather populist opinion.