24  2016-12-04 by Clean-Ween


I must have watched this 100x now. It's the gayest thing I've ever seen.

It was so gay it embarrassed Gavin.

Wanking and wearing flip flops is for losers but standing around in an apartment wearing a hat and drinking Jameson all day...we're on some next shit. Slappa da bass.

Same. I've probably memorized the lyrics by now. Kill me.

In all seriousness, I think Gavin's agenda is to subliminally attract closet homosexuals for his fan base.

That sounds spot on. Explains why he takes every excuse to show his penis

And shove something in his ass.

I think Gavin is playing a character. And he will eventually write a book called "How I infiltrated the Alt-right".

Maybe he thinks he's on a Vice undercover mission

You spelled Rogan wrong

Proud Boys: A group of cubicle dwellers who, because they home brew beer, think they're entrepreneurs. They follow Gavin McGinnes because he's un-PC and subscribe to Compound Media using a prepaid debit card so their wives don't find out. They also have man caves and abstain from jerking off, for some reason.

We're two guys that get dressed up in suits everyday even though we never leave our apartment.

You obviously didn't watch the video. They clearly state 'suits 2 times a week'. Not sure why, but I'm guessing it's one of their faggy commandments.

It shouldn't count if it's an ill fitting suit from Ross. Then again that might be too high of expectations from a bunch of guys that share a 450 square foot apartment.

Why is his dick erect?

He was having green screen Skype sex with Mercedes Carrera.

I'm compiling a bunch of these so when his fucking disgusting gook wife finally divorces him I can send them to her attorney. His entire show is a gigantic display of divorce court video clip examples of why his wife should get as much money out of him as possible and full custody of their children.

This one is my favorite though.

Literal Anal Sex. I don't know what I expected.


Wait, he's married to a non white? What a fraud.

Lol pretty sure it's photoshopped

It's literally a montage of Gavin showing his asshole, his dick, and putting things in there

All this can be yours for $8 a month

Can someone please send that to the god hates fags church.That's their leader enuff said.

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

How are people not aware that fedoras make you look like an autistic faggot

Because every fedora wearer thinks they'll be the one guy to wear it and look like Humphrey Bogart, and not a cunt like all the rest.

You don't think those sunglasses make them look cool?


These guys have without question drunkenly blown each other on several occasions.

This is fuckin cancer

Can we please organize some kind of grand prix kickboxing/boxing/MMA/any sort of tournament against the Proud Boys? I would love nothing more than to pound that pock marked redheads face in.

We need to free James Holmes and send him after them.

PRIDE rules please

Seeing Jim in his Pride shirt is so cringe. You know he didn't watch Pride

He definitely didn't, but I don't think he pretends he did either.

Beaver Boys was my favorite fantasy football team name. 6th place champs!

So gay even gavin deleted it from StreetCarnage.

Uhuru isn't even pronounced like that.

Wouldn't you know blackie

My father taught me about it in between calling nelson mandela a terrorist and speaking about the Zimbabwe government stealing land from whites and giving it to blacks who didn't know how to farm.

My daddy is an oldschool racist. Lacquered shotguns, nazi knives, books about the bell curve, collector's edition mein kampf, shaved head.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have no black son.

I bet he's at least 15% nigger

our family history can be traced to before darkies were in the country. Are we inbread? Yes. Do we have a drop of non-white blood in out veins? No. I'm trying to change that, but the asian lads I'm filling with white-hot cum aren't getting pregnant.

I didn't know Anthony Cumia had kids.

I love how the left has made it normal to throw in the fucking bell curve with mein kampf.

these guys are gay

There will be three teirs, a new look for the T-shirts, two tattoos the lacy fag heart or the low self esteem rooster, your choice, we'll be having meetups and initiations that will include, but not limited to, ball bag licking, shit tasting, boy touching, cum eating, jacking off your neighbor, shirtless tit touching and a few other masculine type things. It's roughly based on the YMCA, not the gym, the musical fantasy. See you at your local fag bar, ladies!


This is a classic. Special K, Chex, Kix, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran.


Who's more hateable? This Brian Wren wretard or charisma-less Chris Leben?

What the fuck are you talking about, you autist

Brian Wren is the name of the faggot with brown hair. The other guy looks like former UFC fighter Chris Leben and has no charisma. That was really hard to decipher, so I'm glad I could spell it out for you.

Anywho, looks like we've spotted a Proud Boy! Uhuru to you, faggot! I'd call you a jerk off, but we all know that you can't because another man dictates your masturbation habits.

What the fuck are you talking about

Hold, please. I'll find someone who speaks retard so that we can translate it to you. Then, you can fuck off and get back to your 28K/year job in the army.

Nigga i got you looking up pay scales?

Looks like we got a real beta male here

It's literally a montage of Gavin showing his asshole, his dick, and putting things in there

All this can be yours for $8 a month