
10  2016-12-04 by Ultra_Patriot


Evan was race mixing, he had it coming.

/pol/ steps in just in time to prevent race mixing

I am horny.

"I'm bored". The other kid probably saw that whole conversation and decided to put them out of their misery.

seems like a cool dude.

I can't believe these faggots made a video about Evan the school virgin, while a really cool dude was left unnoticed.

He has a name and it's Christo4K47

Closing the library for the summer sure ticked him off!

The final straw was when the cafeteria stopped serving tendies.

Another chance for diversity and racial harmony ruined by some white cis scum with a small penis.

No wonder they disable comments. Dog shit propaganda.

Where's the non-homo version that doesn't cut before the good parts?


I thought it was over at 1:40 and thought it was a really funny video. Then I realized they were being serious and was so disappointed

What a fucking idiot who the hell cocks their rifle to let everyone know you're coming to kill them just start shooting faggot!

Also look at how he cocks his gun the production of this video clearly did not have a consultant that knew about guns.

i knew i wouldnt regret posting this in this sub


Yeah this is a good point it literally marginalizes every shy kid in school. This kind of fucked-up propaganda is nothing but fear mongering. Also if you post a picture of a gun on Facebook you're literally pounced upon by anti-gun faggets let alone if you're a teenager. The truth is that kid would not have gone unnoticed they would have had him on so many psych meds and tranquilizers his shots would have been very steady.