Nothing you say is real if you dislike this redbar faggot

0  2016-12-04 by TonyFromLongIsland


Ok, you need to give it some context dude.. So I'm guessing your wguy13, and you've been voicing how much you dislike this redbar faggot to Anthony.. and ants told you to go fuck yourself and of course, the next step is he blocks you this about right?

Honestly? No, that isn't me, though I knew someone would point it out. Just happened to be looking at Ant's butthurt tweet. I have no idea who red bar is but I see some of you guys saying he's a just wanted you to like me, okay?

You wanted who to like you? Random dickheads like me who post on a message board about a radio show that ended over 2 years ago?

I resemble that remark.

And now I feel I should go hang myself.

I too depressed to even bother killling myself


Sadly, yes.