Whoever on here recommended Black Mirror on Netflix.

20  2016-12-04 by McGowan9

Fucking good call. Knew Charlie Brooker was a funny fucker and a good writer but this is next level. Only on episode 1 of season 2 but what a great show so far.


It's not a niche show, it's on everyone's front page in Netflix.

I hate for this to spiral into an obvious film club.

"Whoever said to watch jaws, (the movie about the sharks), great call dude. The special effects were pretty old skool though"

It might not be niche but it's hardly Jaws level renowned. Relax.

Of course I may have used a very famous film for comic effect.

I'm dumb.

While we're on the subject have you seen Nathan Barley?


I haven't, heard good things.

Well maybe you should listen better CUNT! (guy who doesn't understand commas)

Op just wants to feel smart, let him have it.

Weird, I've never seen anyone on here LIKE something. I'll have to check this show out

I like you :)

Wow thanks for the review of a show that aired 5 years ago.

New season out on Netflix this month

You mean the 3rd season that went out a few months ago or are they already coming out with a 4th season soon?

I don't know I don't use netflix, I just know its more recent than the original 2 seasons 5 years ago.

I finally watched the first season of true detective. Idk about black mirror but TD was great.

I don't know about true detective but I found my prostate the other day and it was great 👍

I loved TD and was sorry I watched it a year after the rest of the world did. I wish it had a couple of more episodes just because I didn't want it to end.


The new Black Mirror is fucking terrible so enjoy the like 7 episodes that were actually well done.

I agree. First two seasons were great, this season is pretty terrible.

Christmas special is the best one, coming up at the end of season 2, have fun bruh

Fuck off

You didn't like it?

I loved it.

I was stoned watching this and had pause to wrap my head around everything and to stop myself from having an anxiety attack. Somewhere during the surgery and the AI realizing she was stuck as a slave for the rest of her life without sleep, food or any pleasure.

Anyone else think it's about 30 minutes too long? Twilight Zone worked because it was short and creepy. Black Mirror drags like a motherfucker. There are those few episodes, like the xmas episode that utilize the time, but jesus christ some of them fucking drag and drag and drag and never pay off. - If they did half hours the entire show would be 100% better.

Yeah, even the xmas one could have ended like 5 times satisfyingly in the final 10-15

Nah the Xmas one was perfect, it kept unwrapping to different storylines until the very end you see the whole story.

Kinda like the end of the first twilight zone episode(the guy that finds himself alone in the world) I knew exactly how it was gonna end all along but the ending kept unwrapping into something else.

I feel like "leave it on for xmas" would have been a fine place to stop rather than showing the effects of it

All eps of this season were great!

All except for that fuckin bee one...

With fucking Marget shroder.

I've now seen them all. Agreed the bee one was probably the shittest of all. I also didn't like the 80s lesbian one mentioned below, it was boring. The social media one with Ron Howard's daughter also didn't work for me. Having said that, most of the rest were fucking great. 15 Million Merits, the Christmas special, White Bear, Shut Up and Dance, the gaming one with Kurt Russell's son etc... a lot of them were fucking haunting and great.

The 80s lesbian one was horrible

Great show it makes my asshole swell with joy

I don't like how people are receiving props for an old show. Those could have been my props like 3 years ago damnit!

well good for you!! here take a downvote

Omg no! A downvote?

ok, sorry, take a upvote then

Is my Netflix glitching out or is there only 7 episodes? If it's a Netflix original series shouldn't they all be in there? Also season 1 is missing and most of season 2

I think season three had seven or eight episodes. I know seasons one and two had three each, and then there was a Christmas special, so before season three came out, there were only seven episodes total.

Maybe it's cause I'm on Canadian Netflix but I can only see 6 episodes from season 3 and 1 episode from season 2. Which sucks because the show is great

You can't see the final 3 episodes?

The show was originally a Channel 4 show in the UK. Netflix outbid them for season 3, so Channel 4 got butthurt. Channel 4 are cunts.

I think it's time to jocktober channel 4.

They have a news anchor called Krishnan Guru-Murthy, he decided to show up to an interview with Robert Downey Jr. to talk about Iron Man, and instead of that, he thought that then was just as good a time as any to talk about RDJ's history of alcohol and drug abuse.

That guy's a smug piece of shit.

That dickhead. His interview with Tarantino was equally annoying. He is about as smug as they get, very punchable face.

A show not a lot of people know about is Wentworth, it's like Australian Orange is the New Black but even better.


Christmas special and White Bear best episodes

Black Mirror? What's next, Puerto Rican Doorstop or sumpthin'?

I feel like everyone in this sub can rally behind the sense of justice served in "The Entire History of You".

Everything except the Christmas special has been shit so far, the first 2 episodes of season 1 were boring garbage.

Where we at with the sopranos?

Check out bloodline too


All except for that fuckin bee one...

The 80s lesbian one was horrible