The queers in [WP] blocked me.

12  2016-12-04 by Nulltor


I thought that was a fine subject.

I would have responded with....

It flowed out of me in irregular spurts of farts and the sound of sloppy mud with rocks hitting water. It splashes cold water against my asshole, quenching the thirst of the hot oils erupting out of my burning shithole.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes gets up from his toilet, shit dripping down the back of his legs. His morning shit used to be one of the good parts of his day but now...

"...fuck me you big nigger!" Lynsi yells from the other room. It's a big apartment but, somehow, her lustful yelling can always be heard.

Hughes knew he'd be called in to suck the creampie out soon. He lamented the jagged placement of his bottom teeth cutting up the inside of his mouth - black man cum being the source of his AIDS.

With any luck, though, that AIDS will help him lose some weight, get those meaty tits off his chest. The source of his ex co-host's entire comedy career now his daily reality.

If Hughes were capable of introspection, he would realize how Chip-like he truly is. He doesn't get the humor, can't make a good joke to save his life, his wife has a revolving door of black men coming through. What Chip doesn't have, though...

Opie woke up from his moment of introspection to see Bam's retarded daughter lapping up chocolate smoothie out of the toilet.

...ok I'm done. Peckahz.

futurology blocked me because I referred to the word nigger; not calling someone a nigger, just referencing the word as a comparison to person of colour. reddit is a safe space.

Those AskReddit queers blocked me for my Vos plug, then they said for me to be unblocked I had to draw a quirky picture. They're real cards, I tell ya!

Totally worth it.. thank you for your service

Nulltor pulled the handle on the toilet. Rather than the expected maelstrom he was greeted with a dull 'thud'. The gentle, tranquil swirling pool of watery nacho shit remained unmoved. Something about the noise of the handle stirred something inside him. Something hidden. He pulled the handle again, this time with more force. The inevitable ‘Thud’ replied. It was a thick bassy sound he knew. He mind threw up warning signs. Do not enter: here be dragons. As he gazed into the soupy gift offered from his lower colon a single corn kernel floated to the top and gracefully twirled on the surface, carried by unseen currents. 'Of course' Nulltor thought and he understood the hesitance of his mind to venture into that dark memory.

Budapest, Greta, ….. Phillipe.

