100% proof Jimmy was never an alcoholic.

29  2016-12-03 by Mr702law

How many times have you heard Jimmy ask a guy about drinking: 1) do you ever get the spins; or 2) do you ever puke

As the numerous alcoholics on this sub including myself will tell you, a real drinker doesn't get the spins say past the age of 16 and also rarely pukes. The spins happen like maybe the first ten times you get drunk, tops.

This guy got drunk a few times and overreacted. What a waste.


I don't know a single person who didn't binge drink and do weird depressing shit when they were 16ish. I'm not even exaggerating. Everything Jim talks about is completely normal teenager behaviour when they first start drinking.

He just always has to define himself with some character flaw or addiction. It was pretending to be an alcoholic. Then it was trannies. Then food. Now he pretends to be a closeted homosexual (he is a fag I know)

He just needs "his thing" that explains his weird selfish behaviour but he's actually just a weird selfish man. That's why he's 50 without a wife or kids.

But he does have photos with celebrities... those are kinda like a wife and kids...


to bad he never made being a really funny stand up his thing.

Yeah the guys hilarious on the radio but his stand-up not so much


Damn friend, that's fahkin' brootal...

Never thought much about it, but I think you're right

I've thought about it a lot and I know he's right.

I cant help but look at ppl like jim and Bob kelly like they're fruits. They drank too much as teenagers so now they will never take a drink ever again. Psh. Jim just likes to seem like a troubled addict

Listen to Bobby's and Vos' stories about getting fucked up and you know they had a problem. Vos would get crack fronted to him and say he would pay them when he got paid on Sunday when in reality he would leave after the show on Saturday. Bobby almost got arrested when he was 11 then went back out to get weed when he was drunk so he actually got arrested. Even Colin's book makes him sound like he was a train wreck, a hilarious one at that, but still fucked up. Jimmy is a drama queen who grew up with a sober father pumping that shit into his head. Jimmy's life would be way better if he drank once in a while.

"when he was 11" so he had a bad incident when he was 11, and that makes Bobby an alcoholic?

Colin probably had a problem if his book is true but no one was talking about him and Vos. We're not saying people can't be addicts and have to quite, we're saying Jimmy is little faggy weirdo who needs to stop saying "I'm an alcoholic."

Bobby had arguably the most fucked up childhood out of all of them.

Yeah, no. Bobby would be dead or in jail, had he not gotten sober and gotten out of his environment. No doubt.

Yeah, being locked up in juvenile for most of your youth is the next worst thing to being an orphan.

It's been 26 years, five months, and three days without a drink or drug in my body.


Yuck. I feel like those ppl secretly think they're cool lol like they're stronger or more mature than the rest of us who actually desire fun.

If he isn't doing ironic good natured humor, its boring self depreciation. Any time someone says the word dick he makes a joke about wanting to suck or fuck it. Yah, we get it. He does seem to need some type of weirdness or flaw

I always wondered how a guy who always talks about dumping a load without a condom could never have kids. Then i thought who in their right mind would keep his no doubt mongoloid looking children.

his behavior is actually extremely normal for a pubescent teenager. He just became a giant pussy about it.

"Weird selfish man"? Does he not sacrifice himself day after day on the altar of mirth?


You know a lot of pieces of shit. Did you grow up in an orphanage?


Anthony should also have built up some tolerance after fifty years of drinking. One Bud light in him and he's out of control, beating up house guests

No such thing as tolerance when you mix alcohol and benzos, which he cleary does/did. That shit sends you sideways endlessly.

I've also blacked out after two beers when I'm on a xanax bar, so it could be that he doesn't remember any of that.

A lot of that attitude comes from muscle memory, Tommy Chong talks about "getting high" in jail without actual taking anything. Ant gets a slight buzz and he just slips into that old habit unconsciously.

And house nuggets.

I remember when I was a kid, and would share a 40 oz with a friend, and get loopy. I realized I had to quit...

Fuck you, I drink a 12 pack take a 2 hour nap and go to work.

Jim is not an addict, just a weak willed pussy.

Smoking some weed or having an occasional drink would probably be good for him. When I get high I'm more aware of how much of a worm I am, its healthy

Yeah, maaan! Weed opens your eyes to the sheeple around us, maaan!

Not really.

Dude, what if Trump, got like SUPER stoned?



Friggin A mahn, I'll drink to that.

No, it makes you realize what a dickhead you are.

No wonder Opie hates it now.

I thought opie was on the edibles these days? I wonder if being high is what made him want to be ants pal again.

Never works that way for me. I always think of shit I did a long time ago. Gives me some insight into how dangerous the felons I work with potentially are, but it's usually just a focus on my grade school rivals.

Woah dude you're a fucking badass. Let's start a queue to suck your cock

I just slowly drink beer til I start crying. Then I go to sleep. I don't miss work and I'm not violent so I don't care.

Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Jim is a weak-minded easily convinced worm. He got inducted into the cult of AA. I'm not saying it doesn't work and it's not an important program for people who are actually alcoholics but it is absolutely a cult. And unfortunately it has cringe-worthy aspects and jim seems to display all of them.

Definitely a cult. I have a childhood friend that just got clean and he's insufferable now. Just started the program a few months ago and whenever I talk to him he's already constantly yapping about spirituality and miracles and god. Dude was a self proclaimed agnostic before this. AA is absolutely a cult and weak minded people are extremely susceptible to it. He goes to meetings like every night now and is hanging out with equally fucking weird dumb people. They even convince you that it's impossible to get clean without AA.

They replace one addiction with another, listen I don't belive in God amd all that stuff but I kinda see why they would use God as an replacement, if some people can't face the music and live in this shithole reality without constantly using to escape maybe they need God or whatever horseshit "higher power" to delude themself about this world and that something greater is waiting for us in the afterlife. I wish I was a believer at times because it removes choice, guilt and responsibility. Confess your sins, all is forgiven, jesus loves you sounds like a great delusion to live in. Also agnostics are belivers, fuck that wordplay

I disagree. First of all I wanna preface this by saying I go back and forth between calling myself an atheist and agnostic. I lean 99.9999% with a line over it towards atheism. But atheism is basically a dogma. It says you do in fact know the answer. Agnosticism is simply saying you don't know shit. Agnostics don't believe in heaven and hell and god and all that fairy tale shit, but there could be something we're missing that our weak ass human minds can't even fathom. If the universe is infinite then there's infinite possibilities. I can't sit here and say that we're definitely 100% not living in a simulation right now....I don't believe we are with every fiber of my being but I can't rule it out. Basically what I'm saying here is that in my mind just because I strongly and 100% don't believe in anything that our current laws of physics and common sense do not allow, doesn't mean there isn't some other shit that humans haven't fathomed. It's definitely nothing that any religion has ever described and it's not even an afterlife, I'm basically just saying there's a ton of shit that we don't know or understand and being an atheist is kinda saying you do know.

They're answers to different questions. Agnostic = I don't know (if there is a god). Atheism = I don't believe there is a god.

That's all there is to it. Don't fall for the cultural taboo of labeling yourself an atheist because others attach some dogma to it. There's great explanations of this stuff by Penn Jillette. I'm too lazy to find them. But search Youtube.

Also, just say the seeds of life were planted by aliens on some Prometheus shit (again I don't actually believe this), but then technically wouldn't those aliens be our "gods", or is that irrelevant and what really matters is how did those aliens end up here?

Here's the thing though: even for actual addicts and alcoholics, the rate of success for 12 step programs is abysmal. Many studies point to a <10% rate of long term sobriety. It's unconscionable that these programs are touted as the be-all end-all.



I'll never understand why doctors advise it. I went in for a physical and decided to be honest and wrote under alcohol consumption that I drink >100 drinks per week. The doctor tripped out and tried to convince me to go to AA but really I should have gone to a rehab facility.

Vos is the absolute worse with his AA-isms

He's 50 and just earned his 35-year AA chip.

Whats that

I'm a regimented alcoholic. Every night I kick back a few shots of whiskey with three or four pints of beer. There is a drill sergeant in my head that yells, "Take a shot shit-for-brains! Now chug some Blue you half-a-queeb!" But then I'm done; and it's been the same amount for years.

Jim clearly has an obsessive, addictive personality which persists to this day. Whether it's booze (which didn't last long) or sex or food or exercise. If he got into opiates he'd be dead within six months. So, sucking a little tranny cock here and there isn't the worst addiction in the world for Jim.

I think a good standard to have is when you wake up and you crave alcohol more than coffee then you should probably reevaluate your drinking habits.

Wha happen?

I was kind of surprised when I took two days off of booze I didn't feel any withdrawals. Mentally, it sucked, but there were no DTs or and physical effects. Don't know if it's true, but I read some study that you can be a heavy drinker but not an alcoholic and that in fact most who overindulge fall into the former category. I can't imagine needing booze first thing in the morning.

If you want a depressing alcoholic story, read up on John O'Brien. He wrote "Leaving Las Vegas". Blew his brains out right when the book rights were sold.

You don't spin, you don't get hangovers, you don't vomit generally. You black out, get hospitalized for pancreatitis or liver and sometimes kidney problems. Also the way Sam was questioning him about smoking crack I highly doubt he was telling the truth when he said he smoked it "a few times". You can tell when he gets that certain tone he's lying.

That crack exchange the other day really stood out. Sam couldn't help but expose Jimmy for being a lying 7th grader.

I didn't hear this but you'll pretty much never find anyone who just smoked crack "a few times". What a lying weasel!

I find it absurd he says there's absolutely no way he could handle responsible drinking as a 40-something because he couldnt handle it as a 18 year old. Most sober 18 year olds are fucking idiots. You're fundamentally not the same person you were between those ages. He may believe he can't ever handle drinking alcohol again. But I submit the opinion it's far from impossible.

This fucking moron called the FBI. im glad he doesn't drink, he doesn't deserve the fun or the commonality of alcohol intoxication.

"the spins", what a fucking faggot. I bet Jim gets mildly nauseated and disoriented when drinking and just can't hold his liquor and that's why he doesn't drink. The only "spins" he has is spinning this as a heroic struggle against addiction that gives him special insight to lecture and play counselor to others with legit problems he has no real experience with.

That's right Jimmy. Take your teenaged drunk dail stories and shove them up your fucking ass.

Jim has probably never had a drink or done drugs in his life. He tells the stories to get sympathy and to feel important. Closest he probably ever came to getting fucked up was one time his mom gave him an extra spoonful of Nyquil when he had a cold.

I still get the spins, it's awesome.

That's because you can't handle your shitty liquor and drink it too fast

I drink Grey Goose fool.

He drank when he as 14 and did stupid things. Most of us did worse things without drinking. He likes to have a problem - it makes him feel good.

He's definitely an addict though

Oh yeah. No doubt. But he appears to be playing a trick on himself by acting as if he has his addictions under control by abstaining from things he doesn't actually have a problem with and then not addressing his obvious daily addictions that consume his life.

Like a BABY BOY!!!!!! Scumbags


You mean, like almost every other adult human on the planet earth?

pshhh - Sheeple, mahn.

to edging.

Whenever he says, "Yeah, around the time I got sober," I want to club him with a ball peen hammer.

If Jim didnt have the radio and standup gigs he would probably be in jail or in the hospital due to some addiction going too far.

Who cares if he doesn't booze. He seems like an impulsive creep and I'm glad he had this delusion of having beat alcoholism...

down the street you can hear her scream "you're a disgrace" as she slams the door, in his drunken face. And now he stands outside and all the neighbors start to gossip and drool. He cries "Oh girl you must be mad. What happened to the sweet love you and me had?" Against the door he leans and starts a scene, and his tears fall and burn the garden green

Were you following me last night?

It's Hendrix lyrics

Not true. I've gotten the spins from doing shots from time to time, because I normally only drink beer.

100% proof is too high for jim and could result in relapse.

He definitely overhype's the fuck outta his "addiction" but you sound like a drunken Alex Jones right now

He lies about everything and HAS to play the victim or he gets all angsty. Every time he talks about 'using' or 'drinking' I fucking cringe... That I KNOW HES LYING bell starts ringing in my head. Obviously everyone else hears it too. Little fucking worm. It also bugs me that he kinda pretends to be gay to play that victim card...

Let's see Jimmy kiss a guy full tongue on the show if he's gay/bi... it's all horseshit for sympathy so you'll buy a sad ticket to his sad show, that sucks.

he once had 2 beers when he got home from work.


i get the spins rarely but thats only because ill smoke weed and cigs while im drunk and sometimes it doesn't mix well.


Wasn't his dad sober? or just anti booze? Regardless if you look at his addictive tendencies he could have easily translated is crazy 8-10 hour edging and tranny sessions with booze at an older age. He's still a giant twat though.

why didnt he just lie and say he was an addict all through his 20s why the fuck did he mention such a lame fuckin story

Alcoholics dont get drunk.

Oh behave! The guy has been sober since he was 12. He's an example for every AA member.

I dont know, i drink more than average person but still get the spins although i rarely puke anymore, it happens but not that much.

Jim smoked cracking, binges on alcohol etc. I was never an alcoholic but a drink can set me off. I can't handle it. There is physical addiction and mental addictive personalities.


Jimmy admitted to smoking crack this week and even going into dangerous neighborhoods to cop (and getting robbed, right?) How did that fly under the Reddit radar?

He copped from a black guy (with a big dick)


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They're answers to different questions. Agnostic = I don't know (if there is a god). Atheism = I don't believe there is a god.

That's all there is to it. Don't fall for the cultural taboo of labeling yourself an atheist because others attach some dogma to it. There's great explanations of this stuff by Penn Jillette. I'm too lazy to find them. But search Youtube.