Raise your hand if you don't feel sorry for Opie

74  2016-12-03 by [deleted]


Raise my prick in your ass

Red foreman if he was an o&a degenerate

gladly. don't clean it out, I want my pee hole packed with shit.

He said raise your hand... what a fucking idiot

He got what was coming to him, he belittled his coworkers, was an asshole to people (denny) on air, its fun watching it all unfold. hes the stupid one by saying he was leaving sirius the day after he signed his contracts so sirius decided to make changes now instead of waiting for him to leave.....

Feel sorry for what? According to him, things are going great. The beatings must continue.

My last shred of sympathy for Opie disappeared when he told that caller that none of the listeners opinions mattered unless they also had a nationally syndicated radio show.

I don't have hands due to a horrible birth defect.


he had to sell his Trump apartment! what a effing loser!!


Raise my hand since I'm Sure.

I've been out of the loop.

What happened?

Are they changing the name of the channel? Does he still have show? Is he still on in the afternoon?

Serious replies only, please- no malarkey!





I whassss a navvvvvey sheeeeal

I just dislocated my arm.

I feel sorry that he was born to be such a pathetic peesa G.

He's got fuck you money...fuck him. He doesn't even have an audience anymore

He doesn't have fuck you money. He could coast for a few years, but if he stops earning, he's going to have to sell his place in NYC, the place in the Hamptons, and move to the Philly 'burbs.

Lynsi's got a sweet tooth for the finer things in life, and she's got about 50 years left on this planet. Guess who gets to pay for that?

my dad thought opie radio was a channel dedicated to some old black n white tv show. he didnt get why it was there.
