A whole year since she went dark. Who knows what mission she is currently involved with. Thank you for your service Lady Di

36  2016-12-03 by Dennyislife


Lady Di was prob the best non-comedian guest from the show. I still listen to her call in beatings on a regular basis

"my boyfriend used to fuck me in the ass in the back of his car"

It's not just the line. She stopped the show and prefaced that statement by saying that she needed to say something

Say what you will about Lady Di, she provided a lot of great content. She also discharged in excitement when near Anthony. RIP.

I hope the old water buffler is doing okay

Lady Di is sailing the 7 seas in all it's glory. Her travels would put captain cook and Magellan to shame.

She has circumnavigated the globe 4 times using nothing but stars as guidance. shes traded spices in far off lands and shared in sacred ceremonies with the natives she has come across. Her ship's log tells tales of storms, and sea monsters, whaling expeditions and plating flags on the north and south poles

somewhere, in the open seas, she is out there letting the wind carry her to grand adventures.

God bless you, Lady Di. For I never knew a more noble captain.

That was awesome.

Bag pipes begin to play as 3 sailers fire their rifles into the sea as a tribute to her courage and thirst for adventure (natty light)

I want you to write my obituary

A champion of free speech - a belief true in his heart that the pen is, indeed, more mighty than the sword. The brave and noble Clamdiliculs served in the great meme wars of reddit and gave his life for a sub that he loved.

Over on that hill, where so many were lost. A ray of light will shine down, parting the gray clouds of despair, we will always remember what Clamdilcious stood for. Hope, Triumph and, by god, the will to carry on.

All gave some. Clamdilciius gave all.

:::::::Scottish highlandera do a 21 gun salute as the flag is lowered to half staff:::::::

I'm a girl and I think I love you.

post your cootah for proof


May she be sailing the seven seas with pride and glory.

But in all seriousness, I hope she's somewhat comfortable now. She sure as hell can't get better from all that.

"No no.. I'm still white"

First time I heard that. Fuck that is sad

Sad?, she's a fucking American hero you ass


Sexy too right?

fucking hawt

Di is like Jared Leto's mom in Requiem For a Dream now.

did the "tough guy" ever call in or confirm any of the goings on in Lady Di's life?

no but lady di's son called into doctor steve's show. its on youtube somewhere.


Last I've seen Lady Di she was leading a platoon of Delta Force and heading out to pakistan. God bless.

I recently re-listened to the Di internship week. It was very apparent that she was starting to completely lose it. Dr Steve even mentions it at one point.

you mean someone walking around naked and shitting with the doors open isn't sane behaviour?

well to be fair, she had to get it out

Sailing the Seagrams 7 seas