The amy schumer fans of this sub are upset everyone is mocking the fat pig for barbie role

0  2016-12-03 by MarcMaronsDumbFace

They will try and hide their disdain for those mocking their left wing pig queen feminist with comments like

'Jeez guys, enough schumer threads already.'

There can never be enough threads mocking the fat pig for playing barbie. Its a dead giveaway they are trying to manipulate the hate of schumer away. It wont work. Also, it shows, they have no penis and wear butt plugs as underwear.

There names should be kept on a list and the list will be given to al qaeda, not to mention they should be banned from this sub for being faggots and constantly pushing their left wing politics, 'discreetly' (so they think. They are anything but discreet.)


Not giving a fuck about her isn't the same as being a fan

whatever you say dork.

I bet you just "love u-self some inside amy schumer", huh?

Poor bastard.

Im gonna outsource my giving a fuck about her to you. You seem like you are super enthusiastic about it.


Lame attempt at a troll

This is a good thread. Im going to thank myself for my service.