Are you guys following the pizzagate shit on VOAT?

20  2016-12-03 by panasonictooth


You know, just when I start to agree that this subreddit is an escape from the idiocy of reddit, y'all go and upvote some embarrassing shit like this and remind me that the majority of you guys are just as retarded as the people you like to mock.

Yeah, and you're the one guy who's smarter than everyone else.

I'm smarter than everyone who buys into this pizzagate shit, yes

There has been a strange influx of genuine, not humorous, retardation into this sub lately. I'm glad you and the majority of the people here aren't standing for it.

Elections have consequences I guess.

Yeah, they empower dullards.

I hope if this shit turns out to be onto something and unveils a broader child sex trafficking ring, and if you actually looked into it you'd wouldn't be forgiven for saying "nothing to see here", all you cunts that dismissed this the way you have will eat your words and feel like real faggots. The same people who deny there's possibly anything there are the same that still buy what the msm sells them and still think Hillary Clinton is a genuine caring human.

You're exactly like the people who, 15 years later, think that the truth of 9/11 will be exposed "any day now" and all of us doubters will feel very silly indeed.

I guess buying into conspiracy theories is kind of like buying a lottery ticket-- you trade your dignity and credibility for a very small chance that one day you will feel enormously vindicated by being right when everyone else was wrong.

Like buying a lottery ticket, it's an incredibly stupid bet in purely game-theoretic terms, but it could be argued that one is purchasing the satisfaction that comes from getting to imagine that feeling of enormous vindication of one day. Your comment is an excellent example of this I think.

Like the Jimmy Savile cover up? When he was still alive it was the same situation as this. People would be called conspiracists for saying he was a necrophiliac who was part of a satanic pedo cult. Then after he dies it all comes out and BBC has been covering for him for years. Look into Nicole Kidmans father, Antony. He fled the country amidst an investigation being launched into his involvement in an elite satanic child murdering pedo cult, then died mysteriously a month later. The Kidmans have refused to give comment on the whole thing and the MSM have done all they could to cover it up. But the pizzagate thing has already been "debunked" by the msm so I guess it's case closed! And given your lack of retort I'm gonna assume you still think Hillary is a decent human and the msm is legit therefore I don't trust your opinion.

When I google Anthony Kidman, all I find are a bunch of legitimate articles about him being a respected doctor who died recently, and then rambling, wall-of-text, web-design-straight-out-of-the-90s articles about the "Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult" and retarded shit like that.

You probably are too young to remember the McMartin Preschool Trial or the Orkney panic in the UK, but for those of us who do remember that, this pizzagate shit is literally the same exact thing for a new generation of rubes.

And FYI, everyone in the UK knew Jimmy Savile was a creep by the time he died. It was literally an open secret in the media world, and legitimate documentaries were made that talked about the allegations. You are right that it was not until he died that people felt comfortable coming forwards that the full extent of his deeds became a media sensation, but the same thing happened in the states with Bill Cosby after the Hannibal Burress bit. Sometimes these things stay under the radar, the facts are there but for whatever reason the attention/interest is not. I don't claim to understand how that happens, but there wasn't a grand conspiracy that was suppressed so these are not valid comparisons to pizzagate.

Your Pizzagate thing is the polar opposite of those examples, where no matter how much you guys talk about it, the rest of us can see that the facts just aren't there and laugh at the baseless conjecture and grasping speculation. 95% of the claimed evidece is just a glitch of your brain's pattern seeking functionality. Of the remaining 5%, some of it may be interesting and worth more inquiries from proper journalists, but all the craziness and immediate jump to satanic pedophle conspiracies has poisoned the well and made nobody want to touch it. I hope you realize that sooner rather than later and don't end up like those washed up, sad 9/11 retards I mentioned who are still clinging to the certainty that the story will break any moment now.

Oh yeah nothing to see in that Mcmartin case either. Marc Dutroux was innocent too I tells ya! The Franklin cover up? All just a figment of imagination you see. The fact you don't see msm articles on Antony Kidman is exactly what I'm getting at. Why on earth did he flee the country and his business the minute an investigation was launched? I know that's the last action an innocent man would take in the face of such claims.

My complaints last month to the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault” Barnett said. “But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophile ring. Those complaints have gone to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.”

The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnett’s allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult

You dope, you realize the "ICLCJ Court" is a fucking one man blog managed by a crackpot, right? There was no investigation, no fleeing a country, just complete nonsense that originated from a notorious conspiracy blog pretending to be an international court. It took me like 5 minutes to get down to the bottom of your claims after wading through all the endless conspiracy sites repeating them ad nauseum.

You possess no capacity for critical thinking whatsoever. If you fell for something that dumb, that easy to debunk, how can you possibly trust your other conclusions?,6918 I'm not claiming to be certain of anything, but when you dismiss everything immediately as nonsense in the face of compelling info then you are the real fool. And I like how you focus on the Mcmartin case and fail to acknowledge the Franklin cover up. No thoughts on that?

The person who wrote that article, Fiona, is the sole person who has made allegations against Kidnap. And you think the MSM is a biased source, oh that's rich.

What is undisputed is that, at the time of his death, Kidman was under investigation by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), the Psychology Council of NSW and, presumably, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, as well as the police.

These are literally lies. The RCIRCA heard her testimony, as they are legally required to do, and that was it. Repeat after me: there was not an investigation. I dare you to find any documents relating to this "investigation" of Kidman. I found the full text of Fiona's testimony and its incredibly wacky, like they make Pizzagate seem believeable by comparison, honestly. It's very obvious that she's either mentally ill or lying..

You obviously are willing to swallow outlandish claims from dubious sources, but most of us need a lot more than that. Her word is not enough, and its very telling that this is the best you can present when challenged.

I totally understand calling bullshit on Fionas story. I'm still up in the air on the earth shattering claims she made. BUT, the thing that gave her stories credence for me is the fact that Antony fled and Nicole has been so evasive and secretive on this issue.

you dope

this is an ad hominim attack - aka the cheapest easiest most pathetic logical fallacy, and not surprisingly the most widely used. It shows that you dont think your argument is strong so you have attack the person as if you knew them... sad :[ i hope you get better....

ethos pathos logos lost. you lost this debate. i hope you find you soul sooner than never...

Hey retard, I guess you just learned that word and wanted to try it out, but you don't seem to understand the concept of it. Your definition fucking blows, and you're making the mistake of confusing ad hominem with insult.

An ad hominem is an argument that attempts to discredit an argument by discrediting the person making it. i.e "you're wrong because you're fucking dumb" is an ad hominem. "You're wrong because here's why. Also, you're fucking dumb" is not sn example of the fallacy. Most great debaters and polemicists have effectively employed insults to mock their opponenents. Repeat: ad hominem is not the same as insult.

Don't try to use fancy words just because you think they'll make you sound smart. You'll end up misusing them and embarrassing yourself in front of people who actually are smart.

Calling someone a 'dope' on this subreddit is about the nicest thing someone will call you here.

So is "faggot"

Maybe if the non-MSM "sources" you're referring to could avoid having names like "" and "" while following basic standards of journalism and not reading like the run-on scrawlings of a schizophrenic, people might pay attention to them. I did you the courtesy of googling your guy and there isn't a single website discussing the claims you've made that reads like it was written by a sane person. That's on you guys, don't blame the rest of us for prefering to get news from publications that at bare minimum make an effort to look somewhat impartial. If the facts are there, I would expect that sane-seeming people, "MSM" or not, would at least write blog on the subject or something.

And if you still think the McMartin case was real, you really are a lost cause and not worth another reply. Have a good night.

Wait, whose "my guy"? And the msm isn't inpartial you idiot. You have nothing to offer on the reason why Antony Kidman fled his country and business when ANY INNOCENT PERSON would have stayed and slammed the claims as ridiculous? And Andrew Breitbart's tweet amongst many other things?

at bare minimum make an effort to look somewhat impartial

I'll add "reading comprehension" to the list of skills you don't possess too.

"Who's" and "impartial". A basic level of literacy is a good indication of overall intelligence. Not only are your ideas retarded, the way you present them is as well. Not good!

And here's another inconsistency in your reasoning, you believe there's a level of conspiracy and corruption at the highest levels of government, yet at the same time pretend that this man must flee true justice. You cannot have it both ways and be taken seriously.

Yeah I fucked up on the who's part. Sue me you genius. And yeah, there's only so much you can keep under wraps. Fiona had been reporting him for years with nothing being done, but the second a genuine investigation is launched he fucking runs without comment. And on top of that, he was in the midst of creating a mind control drug for unruly kids. Look it up.

Mind control!- Jesse Ventura voice.

Oh poor panasonictooth, how did you get to this level of silliness?

Look, I get that you like to cosplay as Anthony and Jimmy from 2006 on your time off, but repeating the arguments you heard on the radio 10 years ago against college kid conspiracy hippies, as if those arguments are valid in this particular case, isn't working. If you believe that rich pedophiles existing is on par with BOTH TWIN TOWERS BEING PAINTED WITH THERMITE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM as far as conspiracy legitimacy, you're just showing that you basically use old O&A youtube clips as a reference for how to argue online.

Guhead, tell me to "google it" in the Ian voice. TELL ME. I want the old days back too ;__;

Wow did you ever completely miss the point of that comment, character.

When I google Anthony Kidman, all I find are

Yea, you don't get it. You should google what censorship is.

You should google what censorship is maaaaan.


No dude, as I said in the second half of the sentence, I saw your sad little conspiracy blogs, they're just utterly worthless as sources and their claims are easily discredited. Meaning there is literally nothing to this story. It will never be picked up by anything other than sad little conspiracy blogs on the deep fringes of the internet. It'd not censorship to not report on a story if you can debunk it in two minutes.

It was never debunked. He WAS being investigated and fled the country, dying a month later. Given the claims, investigation and his response, I'd hardly come to the conclusion that it was "debunked".

We went over this. There was no investigation, just an allegation. Saying he "fled" from a nonexistant allegation because of a claim made on a couple blogs is a huge stretch of the imagination.

My bad I think you are right, though there was no doubt an investigation would have had to be launched amidst her public allegations.

You're exactly like the people who, 15 years later, think that the truth of 9/11 will be exposed "any day now" and all of us doubters will feel very silly indeed.

The international criminal aspect of 9/11 is absolutely still questioned to this day by the majority. We know it was terrorists, I don't believe people think Bush was "in on it" or that the family phone calls were faked. It was fun listening to O&A smash the dummy college kids who actually did believe that shit back then. But the question of who funded it and carried it out, and who had suspicious prior knowledge is still very common. To the point of it being a punchline on random television shows in America. It's quietly accepted that corrupted rich people lied and did shady shit... meanwhile a few arabians strapped bombs to themselves religiously.... resulting in 9/11 happening.

I know you wanna be the guy who is never shocked by anything, but an old trope about the mega elite fucking babies for the devil turning out to actually be partially true isn't that farfetched. You have likely met many ordinary people throughout your life who were metalheads / goths / edge lords / immoral unethical people drawn to supidity like occultish dress. Give those poser wannabes power and money, it turns into a pathetic circlejerk of one-upping each other with who has the edgiest most obscure religion. Any single celebrity pedophile who has been outed had been getting their victims from somewhere, there has to be an origin. The fact that the stories heavily focus on their lone actions and how shocking it is, and not an investigation into their links with other pedophiles is where the mystery comes in.

Where do you think all those radical college hippies ended up? In power... Where do you think many of the current radical college kids will end up? Anybody that works for the DNC has a rotten stench on them now, and you can read their very emails. These people (Huma, Hillary, journalists) are products of radical college hippie shit they push to every generation, coupling that with millions of dollars under the table that is what a nasty politician's career is. That's WHY they do it. Gee, I can't imagine that the most powerful people on planet earth could possibly have an abhorrent, revolting domination fetish that I have no idea about.

These people disappear for hours on end and have more money than any company you ever work for will ever generate, and you think you know the actions of every single last one of them? And that none of them are pedophiles? And that it's impossible for there to be child sex trafficking in America somewhere where you've never been?

It's a pretty silly idea to paint Hillary Clinton as a pedophile cannibal. To pretend that her shady dealings in shitball countries where children routinely disappear in enormous exodus masses is why people are looking into this type of stuff. The creepy satantic shit is just fodder, and it actually exists, and there is nothing you're gonna say to pretend to be the rational one here when you haven't even looked into any of it because you think you have the planet figured out, naively.

Look man, some of the stuff you wrote is perfectly agreeable to me, and the rest of it I would be able to raise plenty objections to and debate with if I had the energy, but all in all you seem pretty reasonable and practical when it comes to the point you're making. Without getting into any of those disagreements, you have a pretty interesting take on things. It's all conjecture, but not completely unfounded conjecture and you've done a pretty good job making your case with it. But you have to agree that your kind of practicality and nuance is incredibly, incredibly rare when it comes to these kind of ideas, and childlike idiots like /u/panasonictooth pretty much dominate the conversation.

I got no issue with you or what you're saying. We could probably even have a pretty interesting conversation, but I'd rather just make fun of /u/panasonictooth. He's a tool.

Edit: Have an upvote just for presenting some standard conspiracy cliches in an interesting and believeable way. You should have called into Coast to Coast AM back in the day, you probably would have become a fan favorite. Sincere compliment.

It's all conjecture, but not completely unfounded conjecture

That's the point. The theory is conjecture, but the conjecture is very suspicious. No pedophile is leaving trails of hard evidence. The conjecture they have to work with, and what they continue to find, is indicative of the theories. The fact that the theories are based on irredeemable behavior is why many of them are so driven, and maybe some aimlessly believe too much. That doesn't negate what we know. Why are people who work for our government in childcare and child protection in such close contact with the guy? Why are some of them liking the oddball pictures of kids that aren't his? Why does every picture of a child have the tag #carisjames which is the nickname he gives himself, and yet none of the posts of his successful business that he seemingly built himself have that nickname tag? Why only with children? It's suspicious. Could there be a rational reason for it? Yes, but that's for him to provide. To any rational person, when faced with all of these little "silly" factoids, you begin building something that people call perspective.

I don't think that my approach to this topic is more mature than even many of the people using that Voat site. Maybe I was just better at articulating their exact message to you in a way I know you can understand. I believe it's real, and my belief isn't attached to a hopeful witch hunt against Hillary Clinton. Many of the people going too far that you look to as ridiculous examples are probably political radicals who are in it to make her look bad, and some of them could even be planted concern trolls, which we know these campaigns had a giant budget that went towards paying fat college kids to subvert, lie, and samefag on communities of people they consider political enemies to make them look stupid or get them banned.

You know a gigantic, fucked-up system exists all around you, and yet you reject any single specific piece of conjectural theory on some of the concrete actions that might be happening, mostly because you're afraid of looking crazy to people who aren't as informed as you are about the topic? That's low-confidence.

I admit that I know very little about the reality of what is truly happening here with these people and allegatons. Though I feel the same about this as I do with subjects I am heavily informed on. My beliefs are based on having no dog in the fight and just seeing how everyone is acting and reacting.

I also think the way that OP is being downvoted is pathetic, and I don't think he is bad as conveying what he is trying to say. I wouldn't expect an O&A sub to be open to a conspiracy, but a lot of upvoted comments in this very thread show that even the cynical skeptical people on here can tell something fucked is happening with these people.

Edit: I have listened to Coast to Coast for the first time recently. Thanks, maybe I can try to make up for it by calling into Opie Radio soon....

So you seem to think that I've never really looked into the pizzagate thing, but I did. It was hard to avoid. I'm going to give you that the instagram page is pretty weird. I think its a huge stretch to speculate that its the smoking gun of a massive DNC pedophile ring, but if the Comet Pizza guy turned out to be a pedophile along with a few power politicians with those procivities, it wouldn't blow my mind. That kind of thing does happen, sure. There's weird shit on that instagram page, I dunno what to do about that or what it means, but yeah, it's a bit creepy.

But I think you're giving the people at /r/pizzagate way too much credit. A lot of the so-called "codes" in the emails are reaching at best, and things like linking the Podestas to the girl who disappeared in Portugal or trying to find "pedophile symbolism" on the logos of neighboring businesses well I know you'll probably disagree, but I and most other people just find that silly, not to mention extremely irresponsible. I think you might be giving a lot of your fellow travelers a pass because they're on your side of the issue, when I'm telling you right now you're the most lucid and sensible person I've seen talking about this issue since it started.

My big problem with conspiracy theories really comes down to well poisoning. People get tunnel vision and focus on increasingly specific interpretations and assumptions, and eventually they live in a completely separate reality that they have absolute, unshakeable confidence in. People would probably be much more willing to have an open mind about that weird ass instagram profile if it wasn't completely drowned out by a bunch of nonsense. Although even then, I'm not sure what action could be taken just based on weird instagram shit, because I've yet to see a real smoking gun that could launch a proper investigation.

I wouldn't assume you didn't look into it at all, you looked at it enough to be able to name the obvious things that people would typically know to overlook and see that those specific people are going way overboard. Every post like that will have the Top comment saying "hey guys this is fucking dumb, let's not focus on stupid shit." I've seen it multiple times on reddit, not Voat as I don't lurk there much.

It doesn't have to be a massive DNC pedo ring, it could simply be a pedo ring that has connections to corrupted people in power, specifically in the government, who have direct access to children and the ability to censor the whereabouts of missing children who they could redirect into the hands of said supposed pedo ring. It also doesn't have to be satanic. You have to realize the people actually looking into this know it's multi-faceted and multi-layered. I don't think Hillary Clinton personally got together with a bunch of jews and muslims or something and agreed to sell babies and fuck them and eat them.

I believe it's possible that prominent and lesser known billionaires who own these chains and stores and establishments who use them as a coverup / front business for housing this type of stuff. Then, on another level, they collude with specific people in power who use their job to do things they shouldn't, for their own reasons. Then, on another level, politicians and celebrities of that particular persuasion (pedo creep) know of these situations and use them to their advantage.

but if the Comet Pizza guy turned out to be a pedophile along with a few power politicians with those procivities, it wouldn't blow my mind.

Well, that's all I'm arguing. It's quite plausible and it doesn't have to be pigeonheld into any specific singular theory because there is quite obviously shady shit on there that even people who deny the amateur investigation being worthwhile have to admit is shady and they wouldn't be shocked if they found out exactly what we're arguing for is real and what you're skeptical of is very possible.

I would say some of the codes are reaching, but a lot of them aren't. I watched this entire thing develop from a post like a year ago where they first found the Moloch reference on 4chan. I was watching them all clicking on shady links and finding things that actually looked plausible. Then it reached reddit, and it continued, but the conjecture got worse and more flimsy. They started repeating evidence as if they were the first to find it, probably because this is a totally unorganized thing of randoms just clicking links and reading into shit. I don't hold any of it as evidence, until I google it myself to verify the so-called connection exists, and that the claims are actually plausible. Even then, I will be skeptical in my half-informed view of it all. It's a harsh claim to make, but I'm comfortable at least saying I believe there are elements that are real. Even IF it turns out that it's as small as only ONE government employee working in missing children sending the children to ONE guy who sells them. It could be 2 people, even that is too much and should be looked into. Why SHOULDN'T we look into it? We don't have to make these claims to simply look into it. It's called an investigation, and many of the tards you see posting evidence are spastic and pissed off because this is about kidfucking. I can understand the people who I also write-off as invalid.

If you don't think that those police sketches of the Podesta brothers are both fucking hilarious and quite physically accurate, I just don't know what to tell ya.

Yes, I understand that you "find it silly," which is why we're disagreeing. We both believe it's plausible and yet you're the only one who thinks that it "being silly" invalidates it. I hate to break this to you, but the most illegal and absurd coverups in the world are pretty fucking silly, and they're done for silly reasons by silly people who thought they would not get caught. Attacking your own people just to be able to rile them up so you can manipulate and justify initiating an invasion or war for profit or power is a very silly concept. But it's real and has been done. Injecting yourself with a virus in order to cure yourself of that virus sounds pretty fucking silly, but that's how it works.

My big problem with conspiracy theories really comes down to well poisoning. People get tunnel vision and focus on increasingly specific interpretations and assumptions, and eventually they live in a completely separate reality that they have absolute, unshakeable confidence in.

Only stupid people do this, and stupid people are loud. Conspiracy theorism attracts drug users and nutjobs who don't have their own lives together. That doesn't mean that world leaders aren't getting together to do things under the table (illegal conspiracies) that totally average people read into, find suspicious, and make allegations (theories.)

The pedophile symbolism in the pizza shop logo was a direct design copy and they changed the logo without any announcement, no apology, no statement, no refusal or denial of the claims. If they're this ridiculous, and they harm your reputation, and they make you an invalid as far as society is concerned, why the fuck would you stay quiet, make your profile private, ignore it, throw money at silencing it, and threaten people for making the claims? Do you believe that the reddit admin Spez had that breakdown just because of fucking Donald posters? His website was openly promoting libel of a major business owner who has access to billions and will likely sue at the drop of a hat if any of these claims have any semblance of reality whatsoever.

No matter who you are, in any place in society, if a large group of people start getting together and saying this about you, pointing to things that are in your life and COULD have totally rational explanations, can you explain why you would ignore it and do things like this if you were in fact innocent? If you had rational explanations? Or maybe it just looks too bad? Maybe it's too accurate? Maybe among some of the silliness, a random post or 2 completely nailed ONE SINGLE element of what's happening, and all of these dudes are running scared and editing everything. I don't care where you went to school or who your lawyer is, you do not ignore this shit if you are innocent and aware of it. They changed the logo. Are they not aware of it?

Although even then, I'm not sure what action could be taken just based on weird instagram shit, because I've yet to see a real smoking gun that could launch a proper investigation.

I'm ain't a cop or a lawyer, I only got my container of coffee here. I don't know, what I do know is if these guys are innocent, they need to say something. Or they can continue having claims against them, continue having their lives dug into by anonymous people. I'm not doing any of it, but I will certainly look from the sidelines and point out things that do look legitimate. I don't care about the shit that looks silly, because that's what it is. If you have no desire to believe in it, I again don't know what to tell you. If you're willing to toss way and ignore something that you JUST said you wouldn't be surprised by - just because you consider some of it to be silly - that's your choice and I clearly can't change it. I can't change your standards, all I can do is again, argue for this in words that you will understand. I'm speaking 4chan Anime Retard and translating it into O&A Autist.

I'll grant you the Podesta sketches did stand out at first, but last I heard they were actually different composites based on the description of one guy, not of two different suspects. Is that the case? And if the Podestas are in on an international pedophile ring, I can't imagine they'd be going out and performing kidnapping themselves.

Regarding the logo changing suddenly without a response, I don't think that's especially incriminating. If you're already assuming involvement I can see how it might look that way, but I'm putting myself in their shoes, and I really don't think I'd make a statement about it. I'd be like "Uh, a bunch of people on the internet are claiming our logo is a pedophile symbol and flooding us with accusations, wtf" and changing it would be my first impulse, pretty much as a knee jerk reaction. Making an official statement denying involvement in being involved in an international pediphile ring wouldn't be. Do you really think anybody on /r/pizzagate would change their minds based on a statement? The statement alone would probably get the media putting out some headlines like "Comet Pizza Owner: We are not pediphiles," and there is such a thing as bad publicity.

And if the Podestas are in on an international pedophile ring, I can't imagine they'd be going out and performing kidnapping themselves.

I included a line about it being hard to believe that Podesta is doing the kidnapping himself, but I took it out for brevity. I agree that that part is what makes it not credible.

Do you really think anybody on /r/pizzagate would change their minds based on a statement?

No, but the lack of statement is what will allow this to grow. The numbers of people subscribing and looking into this stuff is growing. I would make a comment. Pretending you don't know about it keeps the mystery open and will keep people on their tail. Not everything needs to be done as a company, and not everything is about marketing and branding. This isn't about a goofy pizza shop keeping their business open, this is about individuals being accused of doing things and using the otherwise harmless business as a front. I wouldnt assume employees of the pizza shop are in on it. I would assume the owner is, and if you were James Alefantis as an individual being looked into and spoken of in this way, you would come out with rational explanations for your behavior. Seems like the guy doesn't have any. Even if he isn't at the helm of a pedo ring, there are things going on there that need to be looked into. I don't really care about your reputation the second you begin openly making your reputation creepy as shit, carelessly, without even thinking of the way people may perceive your "fun posts" which don't come off as "fun" in any way unless you actually apply the pedo filter to the posts in your own head. That's the only way someone could be excited about what are in the images he posts. What the fuck is he posting about? He just thinks kids are cute? He runs the pizza place and has a weird circle of friends who are just obsessed with making cute children smile with pizza and harmless goofing off? Meanwhile the same exact guy moonlights as your typical LGBTQQFAG queerfolk nightclub scene Gimp from Pulp Fiction S&M power bottom around town? His personality is questionable before you even look at the actual posts. Sexuality is one thing, taking it to a level of depravity and being publicly shameful is another. What person involved in that subculture also has an innocent, progressive, beneficial relationship with hoards of children in which he acts as a Chuck E Cheese figure locally? The guy comes off as a flaming queer and a boring yuppie to boot, there's nothing about him that children would find fun or endearing. Ping pong isn't a child's game. He primarily serves hipsters. The place is one of those dork activity novelties for hipsters.

The statement alone would probably get the media putting out some headlines like "Comet Pizza Owner: We are not pediphiles," and there is such a thing as bad publicity.

The fact that Snopes and major publications have already written defense pieces (that would likely be funded by these people as a response using sockpuppet media companies) totally denying there is any wrondoing whatsoever without having done any research or without any official investigation having been conducted by anyone of any legitimacy. Explain why Snopes is SO confident in their ruling here:


Snopes are known bribe-takers. I would think through every last reason for why you think it's fake. News organizations have already posted about it. Snopes is a household word. He's silent.


If you had asked anyone in Britain 15 years ago about massive institutionalized industrial-scale kid fucking operating with absolute impunity at every single level of the cultural and political establishment for decades, they'd have written what you just wrote.

Today, you won't find one person in Britain to write what you just wrote.

It's funny how people pat themselves on the back for saying "politicians are so corrupt, new boss same as the old boss, they're all the same, hehehehe!" are also the same people who are the first to call someone else crazy for calling out politicians by name for alleged intolerable misdeeds.

"Haha, we know they're all pieces of shit but if you ever try to show me a concrete example I'll just laugh and scoff at you for daring to besmirch the name of my beloved political inspiration who I just also admitted is a piece of shit."

These 2 are great valid comments that nay sayers will just ignore.

Oh, ignore us. We're just overdosing on BrainForce and Super Male Vitality.

Nascent Iodine is my favorite metal band.

Pffft. Wake me when you get to Silver Bullet -- Colloidal Silver, the world's only proven protection against Illuminati vampires.

Conspiracies are nonsense. I'm sure just fires would collapse WTC 7 exactly like a controlled demolition even though no plane hit the 3rd building.

"exactly like a controlled demolition"


I have an engineering degree and I can comprehend what's being written in that article. The article you linked is an explanation of mechanics, nothing more. It also references plane impacts, so your panicky google-search with the "lol" didn't notice I referenced Building 7, not the 1 or 2.


Lol where do expect this shit to be exposed? in the Bible or something? Are you waiting for Jesus to come down and let you know Wikileeks has had a perfect tract record for 10 years now? You have to do you own homework, its not Fox News' resposibility to tell you this shit...

Wikileaks has had a perfect track record for 10 years now

What the ef is this red herring nonsense? Wikileak leaks emails and shit. Nobody is questioning if the emails are real. People are questioning the ridiculous conjecture and speculation that 4chan dumbells are putting on those emails.

tell em how it is. It's their hearts that will hurt...

I encourage you to try and sway away from ad hominem attacks even though they all clearly seem like a bunch blind dismissive cunts, its not for us to say. It's not constructive, it only triggers "stronger defense" / denial / hate etc within

So you're far right wing conspiracy theorists, how's virginity treating you?

Pizzagate is real. Obama fucks kids and has them sacrificed to moloch. I'd put money on it. There's a disproportionate amount of children missing in the area.


-Knee jerk reactionary guy who doesn't get humor.

You fucking Clinton cuck.

-- Guy who reads a sentence just to the point of recognizing a politician.

Obama doesnt fuck kids hes black. I can say that with same certainty as i can say hes got a bigass dick or loves reefer and sleeping til noon. Black people for all the shit they do just dont fuck kids

Apparently you've never heard of Africa.

They leave that to Hispanic uncles.

Michael Jackson was black and he fucked kids and got fucked by kids

He was white then tho.

No his makeup was white, he and his dick both had cow patterns, ask the kids, you fucking hater.

Yes they do, they're just such criminals they don't report it. those animals are super sexual, they can't stop muh dicking anything, even children. It's all machismo sexual shit hence the reason they go on the "down low" to fuck other dudes

They're too dumb to understand that kids can't fight back. Poor dears.

This type of shit makes me want to get off the internet and stop knowing things

Fortunately this is the kind of information where you're actually far less informed and far dumber than before you read it.

Just went through it for an hour. It's clear that a lot of these posters are teenagers.

It's all so dumb and tenuous and conspiratorial that it's just embarrassing. The weird thing about people who think they are seeing hidden truths is they're often clearly the dumbest people on earth thinking they're wise men.

Conformation bias and group think.

I think you nay sayers are as guilty of conformation bias as us.

Realize reddit is compromised. Just think about it. /r/pizzagate got cencored. Having been on reddit since '05, this place is a baren wasteland of blind people, shills, and AI. Read on

Who the fuck is upvoting numbnuts misspelling censored over here?


Yes, that is something a dumb person would think when confronted with all the evidence and logical fallacies of this weird little fantasy.

"all the evidence"

Yeah, your sassy vague one liner posts really debunked the documented connections.


documented connections

You know that picture of Opie with the Beautiful Mind equations superimposed over him? It's your own reflection haha

You know that picture of Opie with the Beautiful Mind equations

Nope never seen it, so your joke didn't hurt me~ </3

Ok arbiter of truth.

Haha, don't feel persecuted. There are just things that when taken as a whole are self-evidently untrue. I'm sorry you were so easily hoodwinked, and got personally invested in believing foolishness, but your stupidity isn't my problem.

Oh, look. A passive-aggressive, cunty Canadian. How droll.

Where's the passive part? And reality is a bit aggressive, sorry that hurts your feelings!


Like I just posted to someone else in this thread, what do you make of this tweet from Andrew Breitbart just before he died? I assume no amount of "coincidental happenings" will let you even entertain the idea that you don't know it all... I shall fact check with /u/truthie next time I need to know the unequivocal truth.

Well here's the thing, us non-conspiracy people don't claim to or have any interest in pretending we know it all. We know enough to understand the likelihood of something being true or not and don't get involved in self-aggrandizing fantasies that amount to nothing. You, by virtue of some unknown trauma, love to imagine you have secret truths that only you and fellow retards can comprehend.You find tiny inconsistencies in your own narratives of true events and then pretend you've discovered cracks in reality. It's futility and tediousness personified.

Tbh until a month or so ago I was never a "conspiracy guy" and still don't consider myself to be. But this case has turned A LOT of people and will continue to do so.

All dumb people are "conspiracy guys" in waiting. You just needed the right stupidity to find you.

First of all this tweet is from 2/4/2011. He died in March of 2012. Second of all, I almost guarantee it is a fake tweet. I don't feel like scrolling down through his thousands of tweets to get to 2011, but I guarantee that he didn't really tweet that. It has fake written all over it. You shouldn't be so gullible... Why didn't he continue to report on Podesta's "sex ring" in the entire year after that tweet?

Well you can take my word for it or dig for yourself, but it is a legit tweet no doubt about it. Nobody has tried refuting that because it's there if you scroll down. And he did make further tweets and they're all still there for the world to see. Check out this vid, Breitbart was well onto him long ago.

So basically what you are telling me is that you never looked it up yourself. So why would I take your word for it? I tried to scroll down, it wouldn't let me go any lower than February 2012. I bet you NONE of you have tried to scroll down and check if it is real or not. Conspiracy theorists are notoriously lazy (like yourself). My first instinct was "this is fake". Because I have a critical thinking mind. Your first instinct is "well this fits in with my beliefs, so I will automatically believe it". If I knew how to scroll all the way down on Twitter I would do it, but it won't let me go that far down. The guy obviously knew nobody was going to scroll through like 5,000 tweets to see if it is real or not.

That's a valid question and I have actually been linked (I think from VOAT) to twitter where it showcased his tweets from like February to March or something. Apparently you can do a search like that, not sure how though. So if you guys wanna keep with the "I guarantee that tweet is fake" line then ok, but you're very wrong.

Didn't you conspiracy theorists used to blame Andrew Breitbart's death on Obama? Remember they said Breitbart was about to release something that was going to destroy Obama. You can't just blame his death on anybody that fits your narrative. That is typical conspiracytard tactics.

I can't speak to what you're talking about because I don't know about it. Sounds like you're muddying the waters though by bringing up that red herring (I hope I'm using that term right but probably am not) and not examining the facts at hand.

As far as your video. Is that the type of "evidence" that hooked you into the theory? Breitbart had beef with every single powerful liberal. You could find a video like this for any of them.

No that's not what sold me, I was on the pizzagate express before I even saw that video or the tweet, or even knew much about Breitbart for that matter. And you can correlate that video with the tweets that he made about Podesta. Not saying these things prove anything, but they should raise an alarm bell at least.


Still no excuse, they'll be equally as stupid as adults as they were as teenagers, IQ doesn't change.

Serious question. Posada said in one of his emails that he wants a pizza for an hour or two. Wtf are we suppose to think

We are obviously meant to jump to the stupidest conclusions imaginable that we would never have made for ourselves based on the actual evidence at hand, shaped entirely by the narrative of mentally ill people's fantasies. What other logical explanation could there be?

Question: is pizza a known FBI code for child porn?

Asking this question is a known FBI code for being a: dullard.

You're going to get yours, keep it up :)

Dummies sure get mad when you notice they're dumb!

It's not a stupid conclusion when you look at comets owners Instagram and a billion other clues. He's a faggot with no kids that has dozens of sick pics of children with money in their mouths and other sick shit. Tons of fucking orgs and govs have been busted for sick child shit so it's not that out of the realm of possibility.

Saw his Instagram. Only a seriously mentally ill person would construe any of the imagery as alluding to pedophilia.

You're not much of a truthie.

The most truthful.

Some of the shit being posted on voat is pretty idiotic while some deserves more scrutiny. There are a few elements that are definitely suspicious, including the pedophilic innuendo on Alefantis' Instagram and the Besta pizza logo being directly tied to pedo codes previously identified as such by the FBI.
Furthermore, there's plenty of precedent of pedophilic networks among high spheres of government and society, so brushing it off as completely conspiratorial is also absurd.

Please don't ever reply to one of my comments again. I like to live blissfully unaware that people can be this dumb.

Nice deflection fag. Because using the chicken lover hashtag in a picture of a man holding a baby is completely normal behavior.

See what I mean? I ask you to stop pointing your retardation my way and you proceed to reply with an even more retarded comment. It can't be a surprise to you that I, like most people, have no interest in your bizarre little hobby.

Retardation? lol Go make some more posts about O&A and atheism before throwing that word around.

I'm supposed to take his word that he's not a pedophile? Solid thinking.

This is real. No doubt in my mind that at least that alefantis guy is a pedo.

Ignore all the questionable code talk and shitty artwork and theres still a reasonable suspicion.

I wouldnt post a pic on the web with me and a baby i dont know just because i dont wanna look like a pedo.

Not only was this alefantis nigga postin strange babies he was captioning the shit like #baby4sale or #chickenlover which is pedo slang for little boy fuckery.

pedo slang for little boy fuckery

Sounds like you're well informed.

The owner of Comet Pizza/Ping Pong's instagram was loaded with weird and disturbing images, and even weirder comments.

Andrew Breitbart posting this tweet back in 2011 is weird and disturbing......

John Podesta's brother Tony's art collection is weird and disturbing.

"Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.

"They were horrified," Heather (Podesta) recalls, a grin spreading across her face."

The painting that was hanging up in Tony and Heather Podesta's living room:

is from Uncle Paul's favorite "artist", Biljana Djurdjevic.

Here's a band performing at Comet Pizza/Ping Pong. They're weird and disturbing, too.

"Spirit Cooking" is weird and disturbing.

Tony Podesta staying friends with a convicted pedo is weird and disturbing. Tony wrote in an e-mail that he has "stayed in touch with denny Hastert".

I understand not rushing to convict, but to claim with absolute certainty that there couldn't possibly be anything to this is completely retarded. This isn't a series of tiny, unrelated weird things; weird things become exponentially more suspicious when grouped together.

I am now.

Its legitimate. Don't listen to all the cowards, haters and paid trolls. Check out the "Conspiracy of Silence" video as well that was scrubbed from cable but is available on Youtube. This shit has been going on in elite government circles since at least the 1980s.

The claims are very far fetched but I will say that it was quite odd in the ways the word "pizza" was used throughout the emails I read. It's hard to think of a context in which it makes sense. This proves nothing but I can sympathize with the view "pizza" was used as a code word for something. Even still, it could just as easily have been code for far less sinister things like drugs.

This isn't thedonald i'm so sick of seeing this shit when all I want is more fatty pig fatty and fat tits. And peckahs. This is none of those.


Wtf is VOAT & how does it relate to this sub?

Essentially is copy of reddit but with less faggots

Yes, and now I feel like playing dominoes on the pizza and cheese?

That's the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

What do you make of this tweet from Andrew Breitbart in 2011?, and then this baby And the 1 in billions correlation of similarities to the McCann/Podesta sketches on top of the fact they were in Portugal around that time. Just another coincidence not worth looking into at all I'm sure. **edit - apparently the second tweet is a fake. Full disclosure.


How old are you?

57 years young!

It's all fake, dummy! 4chan playing the utterly stupid like a sad fiddle.

I'm sorry, you think that initial Brietbart tweet was a fake?

I don't care, stupid! Never looked at it. It's all dumb bullshit made up by 4chan. They are dying laughing all all you retards that are running with it. If you even remotely believe any of it, you're beyond help. I wouldn't trust you to safely operate a spatula.

Haha get fucked then idiot if you're not even gonna look into things!

It's pretty clear you haven't done your research on this. You should head to the US-Mexico border and start building that wall you MAGA faggot.

Excellent retort you ignorant baby.

no, you're just a coward

This looks like a lot of homework to find out nothing concrete whatsoever. I don't need to have a Satan worshiping, child fucking, muahahahaha Alex jones image in my head of john podesta/ the clintons to realize everyone involved in politics is a totally corrupt disgusting piece of shit who if exposed would be in prison for life.

I'm too busy tugging my pekah to the pedo101 sub to care.

The place makes this sub look mentally healthy, in comparison.






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Pizzagate: CREEPY band at Comet Ping Pong "We All Have Our Preferences" 4 - The owner of Comet Pizza/Ping Pong's instagram was loaded with weird and disturbing images, and even weirder comments. Andrew Breitbart posting this tweet back in 2011 is weird and disturbing...... John Podesta's brother Tony's art collection ...
Andrew Breitbart: "F*ck. You. John. Podesta." 2 - Well you can take my word for it or dig for yourself, but it is a legit tweet no doubt about it. Nobody has tried refuting that because it's there if you scroll down. And he did make further tweets and they're all still there for the world to see. Ch...
Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed 2 - Some of the shit being posted on voat is pretty idiotic while some deserves more scrutiny. There are a few elements that are definitely suspicious, including the pedophilic innuendo on Alefantis' Instagram and the Besta pizza logo being directly tied...
James Alefantis answers questions about Pizzagate 1 - Hahaha, look at the abject fucking fools you have thrown your lot in with.
WTC 7 — Remember Building 7 Commercial (9/11 Truth) 1 - I have an engineering degree and I can comprehend what's being written in that article. The article you linked is an explanation of mechanics, nothing more. It also references plane impacts, so your panicky google-search with the "lol" didn't notic...

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That entire website is /u/spez's blog

The pizza gate shit is real i can confirm this because i went there to that place with paul reubens when he was in DC and we partied with a bunch of little boys. Pizza is peckers and we eat it all the time

I'm pretty sure this whole "conspiracy" was created by the DNC and put on 4chan so it would discredit the people who really hated Hillary, because they'd also buy into this wacky pie in the sky bullshit.

what? VOAT wasn't around for more than like 3 days. stop making shit up


lolwut. try again?

Yeah, they empower dullards.

Who the fuck is upvoting numbnuts misspelling censored over here?

I have an engineering degree and I can comprehend what's being written in that article. The article you linked is an explanation of mechanics, nothing more. It also references plane impacts, so your panicky google-search with the "lol" didn't notice I referenced Building 7, not the 1 or 2.
