Git yer redneck license from Vic Henley, only $8.99 folks!!!

2  2016-12-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I don't know why, but that is depressing.


What a waste of a life.

To be fair, this should be judged based on the time it came out (1992). Just like "black people do X, white people do Y" comedy from the 90s is actually funny, it's just hack if people do it today.

1992 was the height of Foxworthy (and billy ray Cyrus and Bill Clinton)--big year for rednecks.


Where I live, this was in truck stops everywhere in the mid 90s. Vic was riding the Foxworthy wave for everything it was worth.

THE CONFEDERATE FLAG! Somebody has some explaining to do.


Oh no...

Oh. My. Fucking. God.