Matt from NY calls the show to ask about Opie and upcoming channel changes

39  2016-12-02 by TheScarletR


So let me get this straight, OP....

You wrote a title about yourself in 3rd person on the subreddit of a radio show that hasn't been relevant in years?

God bless.

And thank you for your disservice.

You sound like you call a sling blade a kaiser blade.


Matt from New York really seems like a winner.

he's a good lad

You sound like you could do a good Paul Lynde.

Sam is a wordy, shifty little weasel

Sam kept talking because he knew what I was doing right away. Then he cut me off right after "Gregg Opie Hughes", could tell he thought it was funny.

I was hoping to ask him if he thought it was Opies decision to take a 1-year contract or if thats all he was offered. Guessing he'd feign ignorance on that one.

Edit: the phone dropped out when I said "..have all talked about the channel changes"

could tell he thought it was funny

Sam laughs at everything. It's not really an accurate indicator of humor content.

You trying to take me down a peg? Good job, I hope you're happy.

Man I'd hate to be you right now, feelin' all empty inside and valueless.

Sam has a slight social retardation where every time he talks its sounds like he's trying not to laugh. Its like he's embarrassed to be alive. He probably should be actually.

I think Sam was more uncomfortable than he was finding humor in the call.

Hey man, real cool phone call. Very interesting. Well done.



Sorry, 1:13:54

Don't let that happen again.

/u/TheScarletR needs to be, Cor-r-r-r-ected.

And when the managers tried to prevent Opie from dooing his duty...

Sammy Boy still trying to prop up some crumbling bridges.

Time stamp, cunt.


God bless



Terrence McKenna from beyond the grave.

Wait a minute, Matt from NY sounds an awful like comedian Mike Cannon and friend of Sam Roberts. I know he was on the Dopester's show yesterday but it wouldn't surprise me if that was a calculated setup.

Sam is still a little faggot.

And when the managers tried to prevent Opie from dooing his duty...