Your Drink of Choice.

2  2016-12-02 by Individually_Placed

When I'm at home I usually drink Amsterdam or Pinnacle Pineapple flavored vodka mixed with Diet Cran-Mango. I know, a fag's drink. But, I can't be drinking beer or wine everyday and expect not to look like Roland. When I'm out, I like hoppy beers with low IBU's, red wine, or anything that resembles a mojito.


I like a grape fruit beer, not too many, just a couple suds. I used to be all in with the drinking back in college but I'm a stepfather now.

I enjoy every drink served out of the ass of a hot teenage girl. But when I do its usually coffee.

Some nice sparkling water is the way to go, but if I'm out to dinner I may be naughty and have a Coke Zero with lots of ice! :O

Watermelon and strawberry juice with a slice of apple blended with crushed ice. Tastes good with vodka.

You guys! we all know its cum so stop loying!

Titos or Ciroc with soda and lime. If I'm out I'll have a couple fingers of Glenfiddich before a meal. I'm taking a break from beer though. I don't want to drink 4 of something to get a buzz anymore.

I don't like carbonated vodka drinks. If I did, I would be drinking the shit out of LaCroix and Vodka. I hear ya about the beer thing.


The residual sugars in the flavored vodka are worse for you than beer. Scotch is the way to go.

I love scotch, but it would put me in the poor house because I drink good scotch and I drink every night. I may have to switch to regular Vodka if your claim is true. I gained like 30 lbs since April from not running due to leg injury, eating like E-Rock, and drinking Corona on the beach every weekend.

Scotch has zero residual sugars, which is why most diabetics drink it. Don't have to be top shelf if you cut it with club or tonic.

Good to know. I thought regular vodka was the same, and the least calorie heavy.

Could be, not sure really. But zero flavor.

Cherry rum and Diet Coke.

Hi Marion!

I gotta get off the beer myself as i love the high abv IPAs, which is killing my body and my wallet.

If I start drinking wine I end up killing multiple bottles.

I think I might go back to bourbon for awhile. It's a good compromise of taste and cost.

On a side note, I was jacking off looking at the 2010 Campari calendar the other day and I realized that I have never tried Campari. Is that shit any good? Is it classy and refined to order at a bar, or weird and gay?

I was drinking double IPA's for a long time, then the bitterness just got to me, and so did the weight gain. And yes, obnoxiously expensive, as well. A fucking 6 pack of Green Flash or Ballast Point is $15 here in VA Beach, AND Green Flash just opened up a new brew location here.

I went the other way - the bitterness ruined other beers for me. Anything with an ibu under 100 tastes too sweet to me. I'm hoping my palette adjusts if I stop drinking beer for awhile.

But yeah, I always tell myself I'll get some nice $10 six pack of 7% IPA but end up leaving the store with a $15 sixer of Stone Enjoy By, which I end up drinking in one sitting, passing out and waking up to two days of liquid shits.

Stone rarely puts out a bad product. My go-to is Dogfish 60 minute, but love their 75 minute IPA (brewed with maple syrup). Or we have a local beer by O'Connors called El Guape, and IPA brewed with agave. As someone who's been drinking IPA's for at least 10 years, this shit is legit.

When I drank it was Stoli from the freezer or Jim Beam on ice. Now I drink Red Bull with phenylracetam

Grapefruit beer and pumpkin spice lattes.

Scotch on the rocks. Everything else is faggot shit.

Force yourself to drink it 3 days in a row and you'll never want to drink anything else. Be somebody.

Beer, red wine, jim beam or wild turkey are my go to.

Grand sons pee. It's good when your scared.

Jizz out of Sam's dad's mustach.

Craft beers because I'm an uppity faggot, but not rick enough to afford the real good Scotch or fine wines.

Who is Rick?

Rick Springfield. Dude has class.
