Critical Analysis of Cum Town

13  2016-12-02 by [deleted]

Listened to 30 minutes of Ep. 29 "Customer Service".

Nick and Adam sound similar. They both have the voice of a low hum. It's anesthesia through the ears. Whenever there is a remotely funny line it's drowned the fuck out by some dude who has a worse laugh than Sam. It's the worst stereotypical stoner laugh produced at levels that almost compete with Sherrod's laugh track. It ruins every goddamn line.


This fucking kid. "Critical Analysis". Nobody gives a fuck what you think you faggot.

That's why they call him the critical analysis kiiiid

I wrote that to cause cringe. Every downvote is a victory

Then why are you here commenting? Retarded faggot.

Because of your "Critical Analysis", you fucking faggot.

So you do have an interest in my analyses. I'm glad you enjoyed it

Hey fags -Fagss come on now, it doesn't have to be like this... all faggy and shit

I never sucked that peckah that one time

I love that show, but Mullen is the only one who makes me laugh (really fucking hard). Stavros is annoying and that other guy has the most punchable way of talking. He's fucking enraging to listen to

I've warmed up to Stavros, at first his laugh annoyed the shit out of me but because he is funny I can ignore it (unlike a certain cohost to jim Norton)

There seems to be mostly negative sentiment about Stavros around here. I get why his laugh annoys people, but I find him funny and likeable enough.

He's just really annoying. He's a fat Greek laugh track.

I didn't find Adam funny at first but his impression of his dad has become one of my favorite parts of the podcast.


Now I feel bad because Adam reads the sub... Plus he really grows on you if you stick with it. Stav however, can roll his fat ass off a cliff chuckling to his death.

EDIT: I've been hoodwinked

Stavros annoyed me to begin with but now I'm used of it. Nick is a very funny dude. I really like it. Probably my fave podcast now.

Started listening last week, the only shows I skipped were the ones with the hole. She fucking sucks.

Agreed. Apparently she makes a bunch of money with Chapo Traphouse (never listened but Ive heard the name a dozen times) now. I dont know how anyone could listen to that fucking drunk-girl vocal fry voice talking politics.

It's Nick's other roommate not her

Oh alright. I thought she had some immaculate broadcasting skill that I was missing

you should skip the norton one too. my nonorton policy has been proven right time and time again

I like Nick Mullen, but I'm not listening to a fucking show called "Cum Town". That doesn't sound like a town I would care to visit.

Solid reasoning

That's what I thought at first until I gave it a shot

It should just be Nick and one other person. Too many girls in the powder room makes for an annoying listen. I like the way Nick's shit smells. I want to smell more of his shit.

"Too many girls in the powder room"- I like it.

Loving Mullen so far. Smart guy and consistently funny. Really dry humor. I've learned a lot from him too, because he seems to have a ton of knowledge on random stuff. He's clearly in another class than the other 2. Unfortunate that he hitched up with Stavros (annoying laugh guy). Reminds me of improv troupes at Second City that are too scared to boot the weak members, so their act just sucks permanently. Or LoS where you have two tryhards and one actual funny guy. Looking at Stavros's instagram is proof enough that he's a hack.

Love the Mullen

The point however is, that Nick is extremely funny and unique, while Adam is a hipster douche. The post election episode is some of the worst examples of his.

All other negative aspects are miniscule and it's one of the few great comedians' podcasts out there.

That episode had when nick was singing rolling stones. The hardest ive laughed so far. The girl was kind of shit though.

I don't hear a stoner's laugh. It's the cackle of every cokehead you get stuck in a room with.

You're right. I stand corrected.

this sub lost its right to complain about annoying voices when all you fuck boys worship sam roberts the macman crotch chop gossiping faggot

I don't think this sub worships anybody but maybe the Piss Lord.

I like Nick and Stav. I don't see the need for Adam.

Who has the terrible laugh?



The inhale laugh? That's adam

They need someone to humiliate themselves constantly, so they have new things to make fun of them for.

All i ever needed to know about that podcast is it's name. It doesn't even matter if it's ironical or not.

yet you listen to Fagtalk channel on SXM

I prefer Cock Talk.

I'm gon' taker down ta callefornee, show 'er to people fer a nickle.

Heard to many fucks saying this is a good podcast, gave it a listen, I like it. They bring up a lot of shit from when I was a kid/teen, that's kind of neat


yeah it's crappy pseudo-intellectual bullshit, Nick Mullen sucks

I actually never listened to it

more like cum on down on my peckah

I had to unfollow Nick Mullen on twitter. That forced twitter humor is so fucking annoying

You mean joke writing?

Call it whatever you want but it is the same type of setup and jokes I see only on twitter. It is written as if it came straight from mad libs book or something. I'm just not a fan.


I'm going to have to finally dig in to this PC. I can do without Stavs uber, blind liberalism (and I lean left) but he and Nick are from my area, (Balt-Wash-NoVA) and many of you are saying that Nick is funny so I am in. You sold me. Carry on.

Norton and sams show is super funny. Jim has so much 'starpower' now. His jokes are never redundant and his whole sexual degenerate gimmick never gets old.

Self deprecation......yes please! So original.

I for one am glad there is such comedic genius on the radio. No one but this fanbase gets the intelligent subtlties of the genius comedy.

We can shit on both bro. Relax

we clap when norton did the trannies woot woot hello hello thing

yet you listen to Fagtalk channel on SXM

Hey fags -Fagss come on now, it doesn't have to be like this... all faggy and shit