Let's make a list of Opie's strong points

7  2016-12-02 by hardmodediamondclub

I'll start the list off.

  1. Fantastic pair of mammaries

-He is a student of the human condition.

-he hangs up on people on the phone well.

-he's up to level 47 on candy crush.

-master of sudoku (easy-medium)

-says odd shit to people

-creator of endless videos just waiting to go viral.

-high level contract negotiator.

-bruuuutal underwater fighter.

-among the top 100 Long Island caddies. (He may be falling back on this soon)

He lends his smokin hot wife to sk8r boi's on a regular basis

As Jim said the other day "I'd eat her ass after she did a handstand on on her period"... Fuck I should blow the dust off of my old skateboard. Hang out, doing sloppy kickflips outside of their building from 3-6pm, I might get my dick sucked

Her standards are pretty low. If you can ollie and/or shuv-it she'll accept you in her ass

She might as well spread those luscious mom-cheeks, because I'm in that B-hole then. I skated from 12-19 everyday, set up a ramp and rail in my garage for those NY winters. Just turned 32, it actually hurts when I fall now but I still got enough to take that anus!

I used to fakey fish tail ax grind zoo-ba-do 720s all the time......in Tony hawks first thirty seven h games.

6 is smokin?

here's an actual one: gave Patrice the chance to start the black Phillip show

  1. Endless supply of Jocktober material

He will die someday.

I'm sure he pays taxes

He has given us the gift of Suuuure-rod and Victoria Henly...consistently.

Ha. You called him Victoria.

Lets not forget he has a good lookin set of choppers. That bottom row is cum-on-able

His magnificent way of keeping you tuned in

In OUR defense, it doesnt take much. Sometimes I look at pictures of cringey people on instragram just to be annoyed.

he's white? (if polish counts...)


At least 10% of the chat or instant feedback lines that he generally railroaded the funny with were good, funny, or relevant to the humorous banter going on around him. Maybe 10%.

Has a lot of money. Hi Opie I'll be your friend. Hourly, daily or weekly.