Why do people say Chip = Opie?

0  2016-12-01 by MawBTS1989

They have NO similarities beyond the fact that they tell bad jokes. Opie is soul-suckingly needy and insecure, Chip is utterly self-confident. When Opie bombs it's "Huh? Anyone? I thought that would get a laugh..." Chip pays no attention to the response from the room. Opie desperately wants to be seen as cool and funny. Chip only cares about entertaining himself.

It's hilarious to think that Jim spent years making fun of Opie to his face while leaving him none the wiser, but it doesn't fit the facts.


It's just part of the homoerotic O&A fan-fiction universe

Opie reacts to bombs exactly the way you said he doesnt. He barely ever acknowledges it by saying "huh? Anyone?" MUCH more often its ignored by everyone in the room, including him. He pretends to have the utter confidence that you say separates him from Chip, the way he will confidently tag someones already funny joke and think the room is reacting to what he said, and not the joke he tried to tag.

I personally think Chip is at least inspired by Opie. Especially the way Jim goes into him when Opies being a douche, like "Chippy D", or "British Chip"

You're an autistic fuck for interpreting chip's blatantly obvious overcompensation of his insecurities as confidence.

Guess I missed that. First time I've heard that.