CUM TOWN coming to GAS digital network in January!

31  2016-12-01 by GRIZx


Glad to see Compound Media thriving.

Is there speculation that they are related to pock face tranny sucker?

When did every comic decide that going behind a paywall was a good idea? People like Dan Carlin have an extensively-researched 20+ hour series on WWI for free, yet comics want to charge for an hour long weekly podcast that primarily centers around sharing dick jokes.

If only it was dick jokes. It's mostly boring as fuck stories about getting drunk and whatnot. Why the fuck would anyone pay for that shit when Stanhope is already doing that better and for free.

Stanhope has the best podcast going.

not really. its still mostly boring as fuck stories about getting drunk and whatnot, and mostly from Stanhope's stupid useless hanger-ons

Then Norm is the best thing going.

for some reason i cant get into it, i want it to be like a comic hang

It helps when you realize that Norm is stoned 65% of the time. So that helps.

His disregard of live reads remind me of early Ron & Fez.

A real jerk...

It's more of a late night talk show than a podcast, if you want to get into it check out the two hour jokes compilation video, real classic stuff

Stanhope stinks in a crowd of his people.

Wrath of the Khan is probably the greatest podcast series ever.. I think he's now charging for that one..

The amount of work he puts into those podcasts though, I'll throw him some sheckles. At least he isnt charging monthly subscription fees.

He is charging because the free ones rotate in to the paid content part once new eps come out.


Because they don't make shit doing standup

Yeah and historians make boatloads of money

I listen to LoS and cum town every week and don't pay a dime for either.

dan carlin's site has a money begging section so I don't really see much of a difference.

didnt cumpound media have a amazon link on their site


HSR is weird. Now that they finally make money non of them ever show up.

I thought Pecker Lipps didn't have any friends anymore?

And they have a hole now. Another great show ruined.

EDIT: I actually need to catch up on HSR. shout out to Bronx Johnny

intern dana?

...they don't make money. Or barely any

Holy fuck they really do get $5k a month for a podcast called "Cum Town".

Did you know "Guys We Fucked" makes over $10k a month working with Amy Schumer's production company?

(Just kidding, I don't even know if those unfunny slits are still podcasting.)

Well that sucks. We hardly knew ye, Cumtown.

Anthony Cumia took Luis J Gomez under his premium podcasting wing and he ripped it off and flew away with it

you mean slithered away with it...

Circling between a daycare and another daycare forever

you take a person nicknamed snake under you wing, WTF did he expect to happen. Might as well of invested all his money in a guy named Madoff

left him flying in circles from Long Island to the diamond district

You mean a man who sleeps on a bed bug infested mattress in a chinese family's closet isn't a shrewd businessman?

I hope they don't do the retarded bullshit Luis does and only have the last 8 podcasts be up

It will.

Dumbest shit ever. At least they are funny enough where those 8 would hook you, there is no way legion of skanks or any of their side podcasts gain any fans. You would have to sift through their shit to find a couple good episodes

Agreed, plus podcasts have lots of in-jokes and shit that carries over from one episode to the next

I was a huge fan and defender of LoS. Listened to their entire catalog, watched their live shows and would hang out in their chat room.

Since they moved to GaS, I haven't listened to a single episode.

You're not missing anything. The drop-off in quality is staggering.

Nah it's still good, you guys are just faggots.

The best way for them to do it is having a top 5/10 episodes of all time always available for d.l

No LOS is good Cum Town stinks.

Stingy fucking beaner.

wait so GAS digital network and compund media are competing for podcasts? If both these assholes combined and made one payment for both "networks" I would consider paying it

Came here to say this exactly. Neither of these guys are are worth 7 bucks a month. Fucking Netflix, Amazon and WWE charge about that much and they have enormous libraries of content. Everyone of these guys picture themselves like little moguls with their podcast "networks" and their "social media presence", even Siriusxm is failing to make money off of content alone. All these fags, plus riotcast shit Bob kellys doing and even Jim and Sam, should all pool together.

That shit might've worked in 2005 but not now. It's a day late and 7 S too much, as they say.

it's ridiculous

That's because egos run the networks. If they had business men running the networks there would be an appealing one right now

Fucking comics are notoriously fuckheads

didnt cumia steal LOS from some network called NYLab in the first place, they put all the money in to produce and promote LOS only to have them say sayonora the moment it gained any popularity

See? Opie's strategy WORKS! Sign contracts one year at a time!

I remember when they were in talk with cumia media Luis was being extra shitty on air, kept complaining about mics don't work headphone too loud coffee are cold basically trying to be a pain in the ass for the N.Y.lab guys

What pieces of shit!

Comment /u/ThePRRattlesnake

This would be pretty smart. I'd be surprised if a lot of these networks didn't start merging soon.

Cumboys would never do this. It's bullshit don't buy in

I just listening to my first episode today.. it's pretty good.. but I'm not putting money in the pocket of that ex meth dealing scam artist u/ThePRRattlesnake

Did Luis really used to sell meth? Because that would make me like him way more.

Sure, why not

I now consider it a fact, thank you.

Did Luis really used to sell meth?

of course he didn't, do you know how much money you can make selling meth?

he could make more money selling an eightball than he could performing standup comedy for a week

SWIM wants to know how much an 8 ball of meth goes for in case they were being ripped off.

acording to a friend of mine who hasn't done meth in awhile and who isn't in the NYC area, they remember getting $70 a gram, but that was amazingly cheap. and Luis seems like the sort of person to overprice shit so lets say $300 an eightball.

I'm pretty sure luis doesn't headline and isn't the main event yet. so he is getting paid fuck all. say hi to SWIM for me he's a friend of mine

say hi to SWIM for me he's a friend of mine


I don't get what people have against drug dealers. They're making a living providing a product people want. Nobody gets mad at 7-11 clerks for selling people cigarettes.


I think it would be smarter of them to go on without working beneath anyone.

Can't see GAS digital being more profitable than what they're doing now.

I don't mind paying on Patreon because I know it's just those 3 that get the money.

I'm not paying GAS digital shit.

CUM TOWN is going places.
That place is a garbage can in Hells Kitchen.

Will we still get free access to new episodes?

Download the old ones now. Gomez will pull them all down when they switch.

/u/ThePRRattlesnake, is this true?

A week later.

Eh. I can live with that.

Won't be seeing them no more. RIP Cum Town

Yeah could be

So we know Ant probably offered like $100 for the both of them.

How much do you think has offered. I bet it was a percentage.

Also is it true nick mullen is basically homeless? He has been like couch surfing and in poverty the last decade

But he's got $1000 he's going to buy a TV with. They're a bunch of fools. Struggling comics and the fat one decides buying a $400 blender is a wise spend because, "it can make hot soup."

He said on sam and Jim the podcast he does makes $60,000 a year and he gets half that in his pocket and plus whatever he makes in stand up. He shouldn't be homeless.

If he honestly made that much why would he be a part of the gas network also why did he stay with that Chinese family?

He said hes not that poor but that hes willing to have a shittier/cheap place to have extra money for everyday stuff. Also I think hes doing better now, since he moved out of that Chinese tenament

Wish they'd get rid of that annoying laugh guy

Leave Sam Roberts out of this.

who cares what network they're on. Weren't they a free podcast? If they're continuing to be free, then it doesn't matter where they are. If not, then that sucks for the fans.

Tweet is deleted, and see no mention of it?

Because Aaron read the thread... Poor guy.

I've only listened to the latest one, episode 29. Where does this rank compared to other shows?

I feel like it was a pretty funny one, most are around that level but there's been a lot of really memorable stuff throughout.

this is good

I wonder if they are going to start filming their podcast. Because they used to make fun of podcasts that film themselves sitting around.

The interview on O&J the other day was the first time I heard this guy. My first impression is described as a massive millennial douchebag. Who the fuck brags about living in squalor by choice.

are my first impressions accurate?

This show sucks


LOL all you cum town recommending faggots get to reconcile your boys going to GaS now, have fun with that. LOS > Cum Town NIGGAZ

But he's got $1000 he's going to buy a TV with. They're a bunch of fools. Struggling comics and the fat one decides buying a $400 blender is a wise spend because, "it can make hot soup."

He said on sam and Jim the podcast he does makes $60,000 a year and he gets half that in his pocket and plus whatever he makes in stand up. He shouldn't be homeless.