Where are we at with the Gary Busey? I had to turn it off five minutes into his cohosting

0  2016-12-01 by The-Lunger


Its not terrible, but I hope its not a regular thing

i cant figure out if he is completely legit crazy, or its a long gag. Like the interrupting of the Walking Dead guy's interview? Was that schtick ?

He has actual brain damage but I suspect he plays it up as part of his schtick. It's easier these days to just be a clown or troll than it is to produce quality work on an actual entertainment medium.

He has either invented a character that he hadn't stopped playing for 20 years, or he is completely insane. There is no middle ground.

Wasn't that idiot on last week?

they brought him on again and it was the same exact shit . yawn

He was great in Under Siege.

" They never liked me anyway "

He was also fantastic in point break...


Yes i turned it on this morning as he was coming in the studio and i turned it off immediately

He's incredibly frustrating to listen to.