"You guys are funny, sometimes" Gary Busey summing up the Jim & Sam progruhm

13  2016-12-01 by TheScarletR


Better than Opie's "you guys are funny, never."

Youre not wrong

Gary was really giving them the business today! GARY - GETTING ANGRY, RAGEFUL and YELLING!

Thats what I was saying the other day. Busey aint goin for that shit lol. Nick mullin didnt chuckle at all when he was on the show. Zac amico kind of seemed like he was cringing at some of jims jokes too. I dont dislike the show...its just very rarely funny

Mullen never laughs because autism etc

I guess I never really have heard him laugh...just found out about him a few weeks ago.

I never laugh because of Buseyism

Is Nic Mullin the one who was talking about building a desk?

but how do you feel about the economy?

Oh, its doing alright


Thank you sir lol. Any time I say shit like this everyone gets butt hurt. It really confuses me. Half the shit these animals on here write is funnier than that show...they talk about everythint being unfunny, but when I ask if they actually find the J&s show funny, they dont answer..they just downvote lol

Aren't we all sycophant at this point though? (Wordplay yuma)


I totally agree. I like jim and sam enough to have it on while i code. easy listening!

Absolutely. I have headphones in all day everyday at work. I will listen to jimmy for as long as he does a show...but I'm not gonna pretend its hilarious

Who's pretending? It certainly isn't hilarious at all. Chip dog was funny though. Where you at with the chip dog?

Well no one does, but they sure get upset when I say it isnt funny. I agree tho, chip robotson was funny, theres usually atleast one show a week I really dig, even if it isnt funny.