"The guys at Compound approached me about doing the podcast on their network" - Nick Mullen

0  2016-12-01 by TheScarletR

He said no. Not really a surprise to anyone that Keith asked him, since they are literally trying to recruit any podcast they can.

Its around 4 min in the first premium ep if you want to hear it


Edit: later on they laughed about how Keith obviously didnt even listen to the show because they make fun of "those guys" and "that show" all the time


Doesn't he realize this is a Free Speech Platform? There's a revolution happening, and its in that studio in the city!

Upvoted for sarcasm.

Downvoted for upvoting.

we dont talk politics here

What?!? He turned down the 100 bucks!!??

Shocking, I know

It's not about the money. Compound Media is a passion project. All revolutions must start somewhere.

Retirement homes?

He said later on they would consider it once the NY studio was up and running.

later on they laughed about how Keith obviously didnt even listen to the show because they make fun of "those guys" and "that show" all the time

What does that mean? Who are "those guys" and "that show"?

The Compound team/TACS

Is that true? What have they said about TACS and the network?

nothing very harsh, they just sarcastically joke that they're broadcasting from the TACS studios and Keith is providing snacks, stuff like that. and Nick has unsarcastically referred to Ant as a racist more than once, but I don't think anyone is surprised by that

I just started listening. They call them racists quite a bit

Is his show that good? I haven't heard I and in didn't think he was that funny on the show the other day.

The podcast is good. I agree he wasnt great on Jim & Sam

I normally listen to shows at work on youtube, or sometimes SoundCloud or where ever they are. Nobody seems to mind... but I just don't want the name up in a browser at work.

Lol how prudish are your coworkers that you couldnt easily explain that its just a silly name for a show?

Also I use PlayerFM for podcasts, its way better than soundcloud imo

They probably wouldn't care, but I don't want to do it. I don't browse this place at work either.

Is that true? What have they said about TACS and the network?

nothing very harsh, they just sarcastically joke that they're broadcasting from the TACS studios and Keith is providing snacks, stuff like that. and Nick has unsarcastically referred to Ant as a racist more than once, but I don't think anyone is surprised by that